jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


1. Do you know what a virus is? 
2. What do you know about Covid-19?
3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
4. How does it affect living creatures? 

Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video. 

1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
8. How soap works against the virus?
9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

Write your answers in the comment section. Don't forget to post your comment by writing your full name. 

159 comentarios:

  1. 1.
    It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact
    -Santiago Kaled

  2. 2.
    The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Breathing difficulty.
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong Cough
    -Santiago Kaled

  3. 3. The (COVID-19) originated from the country of China-Wuhan
    -Santiago Kaled

      1: A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
      2: It is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date.
      3: There are eleven types of coronavirus.
      4: Affects the respiratory system and the immune system.


      1: It is a heavy virus that does not flow in the air but falls within a meter.
      2: The characteristics are:
      -Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
      -Chills and
      general discomfort.
      -Secretion and runny nose.
      3: In China Wuhan.
      4: We still do not know how the first patient was infected. The original hypothesis refers to the fact that the virus jumped from an animal to humans in the wuhan market but this has not been proven.
      5: Lick your hands for 20 minutes and meet social isolation.
      6: We have time to be with family, think more about the planet and do things as a family that we couldn't do.
      7: Eating properly, eating fruits that provide vitamin C, strengthen our immune system to prevent disease and maintain hygiene properly.
      8: Eliminate the virus and protect us for a few minutes.
      9: Do not leave the house while in social isolation, because it prevents mass contagion.
      10: Lick your hands for 20 minutes
      11: The easiest tip is to permanently wash your hands.
      12: Because it causes panic and people cannot make decisions
      People desperately buy toilet paper.
      13: Disinfect the environments of your house, feed well and keep a meter away from other people when you have to go out. Leave shoes at the door, change clothes and bathe..
      14: It is a very dangerous highly dangerous virus for which no country is prepared.

  4. 4.
    People in Wuhan-China were infected by:
    Physical Contact and
    -Santiago Kaled

  5. 5. Las maneras de evitar el (COVID-19) son:
    Lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón.
    Mantener 1m de distancia entre las personas.
    No tocarse los ojos o la cara con las manos sucias.
    -Santiago Kaled

    1. Miss perdone lo puse en español aqui lo pongo en ingles.
      -Santiago Kaled
      The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
      Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
      Keep 1m distance between people.
      Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands.

    2. فضای زیادی را می گیرید

  6. 6.
    Devido to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    -Santiago Kaled

  7. 7.
    What we can do is eat nutritious food that strengthens our immune system and does not affect this virus.
    -Santiago Kaled

  8. 8.
    The soap prevents it from getting onto our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion
    -Santiago Kaled

  9. 9. The most important piece of advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus that we have on our hands when we return from the streets or touch an animal.
    -Santiago Kaled

  10. 10. The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to play in the streets or drink alcoholic drinks in a state of emergency and that for me is the most difficult advice.
    -Santiago Kaled

  11. 11. The easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    -Santiago Kaled

  12. 12. False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    -Santiago Kaled

  13. 13. The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    -Santiago Kaled

  14. 14. One opinion would be to stay home super super often and also wash your hands to avoid the spread of coronaviruses that have already infected the world worldwide for more than 2 months.
    -Santiago Kaled

    1. 14. (omitir respuesta anterior)

      What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.
      -Santiago Kaled

  15. 1.-It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact
    2.-The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Breathing difficulty.
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong Cough
    3.-The (COVID-19) originated from the country of China-Wuhan
    4.-People in Wuhan-China were infected by:
    Physical Contact and
    5. - The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
    Keep 1m distance between people.
    Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands, etc.
    6.- Devido to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    7.- What we can do is eat nutritious food that strengthens our immune system and does not affect this virus.
    8.- The soap prevents it from getting onto our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion.
    9.- The most important piece of advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus that we have on our hands when we return from the streets or touch an animal.
    10.- The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to play in the streets or drink alcoholic drinks in a state of emergency and that for me is the most difficult advice.

    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12.- False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.
    -Albert Vilchez

  16. 1.-It is a disease that is transmitted by air and contact between people.
    2.-The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Difficulty breathing
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong cough
    3.-The (COVID-19) originated in the country of China-city Wuhan
    4.-People in Wuhan-China became infected due to:
    Upon physical and respiratory contact.
    5. - The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
    Maintaining a 1m distance between people.
    Do not touch your eyes, or face with dirty hands, etc.
    6.- Sent to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has been reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    7.- What we can do is eat nutritious foods that strengthen our immune system,
    8.- The soap prevents it from penetrating our skin, preventing the spread of contagion.
    9.- The most important advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus.
    10.- The most difficult advice to follow is to stay at home:
    Because some people go outside to play or walk and that is not the right thing to do.

    11.- The easiest advice to give a person is to stay at home and wash their hands correctly and frequently.
    12.- False information about the virus causes panic in people.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Wash your hands often.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- what I think is that the coronavirus is infecting more people but people with low defenses are the most likely to get it.
    -Claudi Huamani IIB

  17. 1. it´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2. The signs and symptoms can be:
    -sore throat
    -difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
    3. In china, wuhan city
    4. Through physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing
    5. Wash your hands often and stay home
    6. Makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsible. Also decreases global pollution.
    7. Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8. Soap helps the virus die.
    9. Wash your hands is very important.
    10. Stay home as some don't obey.
    11. it is best to stay at home with your family and wash your hands very well.
    12. Makes people very desperate with false information.
    13. Wash your hands and when you sneeze or cough cover with your elbow or handkerchief.
    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with low defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at home!
    -Tais Tantas IIA

  18. 1.-It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact
    2.-The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Breathing difficulty.
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong Cough
    3.-The (COVID-19) originated from the country of China-Wuhan
    4.-People in Wuhan-China were infected by:
    Physical Contact and
    5. - The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
    Keep 1m distance between people.
    Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands, etc.
    6.- Devido to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    7.- What we can do is eat nutritious food that strengthens our immune system and does not affect this virus.
    8.- The soap prevents it from getting onto our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion.
    9.- The most important piece of advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus that we have on our hands when we return from the streets or touch an animal.
    10.- The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to play in the streets or drink alcoholic drinks in a state of emergency and that for me is the most difficult advice.

    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12.- False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.
    -Isabella Mayora IIA

  19. 1. it´s a diease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2. the signs and symptoms can be
    -sore throat
    -difficulty breathing
    3. in china, wuhan city
    4. trought physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing
    5.wash your hands often and stay home
    6. makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsable also decreases global pollution
    7.being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8.soap helps the virus die.
    9.wash your hands is very important.
    10.stay home as some dont´ obey
    11.it is best to stay at home with yor family and wash your hands very well
    12 makes people very desperate with your family and wsh your hands very well.
    13.wash your hands and when you sneeze or cough cover whit your elbow or handkerchief.
    14. it is a disease that mainly affects people with law defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. thing that peru and everyone is facing it, stay at homel.


  20. 1.It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact.
    2. They are: high fever, muscle pain and strong cough.
    3.The covid-19 originated from China-Wuhan.
    4.They were infected by physical and respiratory contact.
    5.We can avoid it by washing our hands frequently, keeping a meter of distance between people, not touching our faces with dirty hands.
    6.The positive side is that pollution has been reduced worldwide.
    7. We can eat nutritious foods that strengthen us and do not affect the virus.
    8.The soap allows it to penetrate our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion.
    9. Wash your hands since in these ways we do not allow the virus to spread.
    10. Stay home because most people have important things to do and also because there could be an emergency.
    11. Wash your hands because it is something that everyone does very often for hygiene so now they would also do it for care.
    12. It affects because people sometimes believe these things and panic.
    13. Wash your hands, disinfect all things and protect yourself when buying.
    14. I think coronavirus is a disease that we can use to become more responsible about our care.
    -Andrea Laiza 2nd "A"

  21. 1. it´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2.-sore throat
    -difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
    3. In china, wuhan city
    4. Through physical contact with people
    5. Wash your hands often and stay home
    6. Makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsible. Also decreases global pollution.
    7. Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8. Soap helps the virus die.
    9. Wash your hands is very important.
    10. Stay home as some don't obey.
    11. it is best to stay at home with your family and wash your hands very well.
    12. Makes people very desperate with false information.
    13. Wash your hands and when you sneeze or cough cover with your elbow or handkerchief.
    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with low defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at home!
    Emy Alvarado 2nd B

  22. 1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?

    -At first, the symptoms are not severe, since it takes 1 to 14 days for the virus to incubate. The most common symptoms are dry cough, sore throat, and runny nose.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?

    -Sore throat.
    -Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
    -Chills and general discomfort.
    -Runny nose and runny nose.

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?

    -The coronavirus originated in China, Wuhan

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?

    -The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold seafood and live animals.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?

    -Have a good diet and good hygiene, etc.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?

    -Less pollution, more united than ever, creativity at its best

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?

    -Some foods to improve our quality of life are:
    * oranges
    * walnuts

    8. How soap works against the virus?

    -Soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?

    -The best way to take care of yourself in these times is having good hygiene and respecting quarantine. Especially if we go shopping, the best thing is to keep an adequate distance and avoid going out without a mask.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?

    -Get hygiene products as these resources are running low, obtain food products.

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?

    -The easiest advice is to maintain personal hygiene.

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?

    -False information can generate a lot of concern and scandal in society, as well as generate actions that affect others

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?

    -Wash your hands often.
    -Wash your hands with alcohol gel.
    -Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    -Bathing often.
    -Cover up by coughing or sneezing.

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    -My opinion is that in these situations we should avoid falling into ignorance. Respect the protocols and rules given.

    -Klaudia Belén Méndez Esqueche II "B"

    1. يا معلمة ، آسف على التأخير

  23. 1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    Coronavirus is officially a respiratory infection, which means it affects the lungs and airways. Typical symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, and fever. What is clear is that the virus can have a devastating effect on the body, and not only on the lungs, but also affects the body.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Infected people can present a set of symptoms that range from mild to very serious such as: Fever (87.9), Dry cough (67.7), Fatigue (38.1), Sputum production (33.4),
    Dyspnea (18.6), Muscle pain (14.8), Sore throat (13.9), Headache (13.6), Chills (11.4), Nausea or vomiting (5.0), Congestion nasal (4.8), diarrhea (3.7), hemoptysis (0.9) and conjunctival congestion (0.8).

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    It was first discovered and isolated in Wuhan, China, following the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease epidemic. It appears to have a zoonotic origin, that is, it passed from an animal host (a bat) to a human one.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    Covid-19 was first identified on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan City when a group of people with unknown cause pneumonia were reported.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?

    - Wash your hands frequently

    - Cough in the elbow

    - Don't touch your face

    - Keep social distance

    - Stay in your house

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    As the president gave the order that we all stay in our houses, we spend more time with our families, in total coexistence

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Eat nutrient dense foods, don't eat junk food

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    Because the combination creates more soap bubbles, which disrupt chemical bonds that allow bacteria, viruses, and other germs to adhere to surfaces.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    You have to wash your hands well, for 30 seconds, because if you have the virus in your hands and you wash them you can no longer become infected

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to do their things or meet friends

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    If you don't take the initiative, nobody will do it for you

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    If the media provide us with false information, it will create a stir in the entire population, which will lead to people buying more and having shortages.

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these
    I think that if people take the necessary measures, people will no longer be infected

    Atte: Andrea Bastiand

  24. 1.The most common symptoms of covid-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have pain, stuffy nose, rhinorrhea, sore throat, or diarrhea.

    Sore throat.
    Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
    Chills and general discomfort.
    Runny nose and runny nose.

    -The coronavirus originated in China, Wuhan
    The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold seafood and live animals.

    Preventive measures to keep in quarantine are, maintain personal hygiene, have a diet to be healthy, avoid contact,etc.

    -Less pollution, more united than ever, creativity at its best

    -Some foods to improve our quality of life are:
    * oranges
    * walnuts

    8.soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.

    9.The best way to take care of yourself in these times is having good hygiene and respecting quarantine. Especially if we go shopping, the best thing is to keep an adequate distance and avoid going out without a mask.

    10. The advice that most affects me is the social distance, I am not used to moving away from human touch.

    11. The easiest advice is to maintain personal hygiene.

    12. False information can generate a lot of concern and scandal in society, as well as generate actions that affect others.

    Wash your hands often.
    Wash your hands with alcohol gel.
    Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    Bathing often.
    Cover up by coughing or sneezing.

    14. I think that despite the fact that it scares me, this virus, I must be brave and do everything possible so that neither I nor my family members suffer from it.

    Leismin Granados Cruz II "A"

  25. 1. It is a virus that is transmitted by air and physical contact with other people.
    2. Symptoms are: high fever, muscle pain and dry cough.
    3.The covid-19 originated from China-Wuhan.
    4.The infected were by physical and respiratory contact.
    5. We can avoid it by washing our hands, keeping a meter of distance between people, without touching our faces with dirty hands and using masks and gel.
    6.The positive side is that pollution has been reduced.
    7. We can eat nutritious food.
    8.The soap allows it to penetrate our skin, preventing the spread of contagion.
    9. Do not leave home because they can infect you and you infect others.
    10. Staying home because we cannot make the necessary purchases.
    11. Wash your hands because it is something we all do.
    12. It affects us because some believe this information.
    13. Wash your hands, disinfect all things, and wear face masks when going out.
    14. I believe that coronavirus is a serious disease that has helped us to reduce contamination.

    Kimberly Ambar Lujan Bustamante 2nd "B"

  26. 1-The usual features are fever and respiratory symptoms (cough and dyspnea). In the most severe cases, they can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

    2-The signs and symptoms can be: sore throat cough fever difficulty breathing (in severe cases

    3-His place of origin was in China

    4-People became infected by physical contact

    5-Clean your hands frequently, Avoid close contact, Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing, Wear a mask and Clean and disinfect.

    6-The positive side is that the contamination is gradually reducing.

    7-We can eat antioxidant foods

    8-The soap is made of pin-shaped molecules, each of which has a hydrophilic head that prevents the virus from moving further.

    9-Avoid leaving our house to avoid extracting the virus or spreading it.

    10-I think they will stay at home since we cannot buy the necessary supplies.

    11-Wash our hands well since it does not take us so long.

    12-It affects us as people create this information and panic.

    13-Disinfect the most common areas, wash our hands, wear masks when leaving.

    14-I think coronavirus is a serious disease that has turned the world around and is quite dangerous.

    Jazmin Arroyo Naucapoma 2nd "B"

  27. 1-it mainly generates various symptoms and the most recognizable is fever and cough.
    2-it is characterized by fever, sore throat, tiredness and cough, in some cases shortness of breath.
    3-its origin is in the city of Wuhan in the country of china.
    4-they first became infected, allegedly at a fish market in Wuhan City.
    5-the measures are an extra hygiene and wearing face masks as well as trying not to have much contact with objects and people.
    6-I at least do not see a positive side, but it could be said that the world would already be prepared for another pandemic, like many countries in the world.
    7-eat lots of healthy foods and increase my defenses.
    8-the soap is responsible for eliminating or in other words separating the bacteria from your body whenever they are in contact with soap and water.
    9-I consider it to be hygiene, because without it you are much more likely to contract the virus.
    10-that of not having contact with public objects, since many people by necessity must touch some objects such as the door, knob, tables, etc.
    11-the hygiene advice is the easiest.
    12-some people take it with a lot of concern and make excessive purchases others think that the virus is already in all the air in the world etc.
    13-Another tip could be to use gel alcohol or liquid soap, also not to have a lot of contact with people and keep distance on the street.
    14-I think that it is something for the earth to be free of the human being since we only kill the planet; apart from hygiene it is the most fundamental measure I believe to combat the virus.

    Moises Becerra Alfaro 3ro”b”

  28. 1.It´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2.Los sintomas del covid-19 es:
    tos seca
    dolor de garganta
    dificultad para respirar(en casos graves)
    3.Se origino en China en la ciudad de Wuhan
    4.By physical contact between people
    5.Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 min and wear masks and stay home
    6.One of the positive sides is the one that helped us to know ourselves, to be more responsible with our health, and also to allow families to unite.
    7.Eat healthy with vegetables, liver and healthy things
    8.The soap helps to kill the virus since it has some chemicals that help to eliminate it
    9.Wash my hands more often to avoid being infected
    10.Staying at home because when you stay at home for a long time, you get bored, and when you get bored you go out on the street and that some people don't respect
    11.That we are with the family so that we no longer take to the streets
    12.It affects making people believe in flashing hopes and do not get to know the case well
    13.Wash your hands and when you sneeze cover it with your forearm or with a handkerchief
    14.That we should be more aware of what is happening and that we do not take it at stake, since it attacks people with low defenses faster and I could end your life because that is better to stay home.
    Ana Lucia 4nd B

  29. Juan Alejandro Reyes López 3rd ´´A´´
    I.-Before listening:
    1.-Microorganism that generates diseases, getting like a parasite inside a cell and later reproducing in it.
    2.-I know that it is affecting all countries, and it is not only causing many people to become infected and sick as a result, but it is also causing the economy in many countries to drop much or more than it already was as it is. the case of Venezuela.
    3 -Joel Wertheim assures that. There are many types of coronavirus, but many of these hardly affect humans and can only produce ordinary flu.
    4.-In people it affects giving a very strong flu and elderly people can even kill it since they do not have the same defenses that they had when they were younger. In the case of animals it has a very low mortality rate.
    II.-After listening:
    1.-the main symptoms are the same of a conventional flu that over time is increasing
     2.-Its symptoms are fever, sneezing, dry cough, and a stuffy nose, symptoms that would be from a common flu, but as the days go by these symptoms intensify and can cause respiratory difficulties.
    3.-The coronavirus had its origin in Wuhan (China) in the middle of December 2019
    4.-It is said that it was for using bat soup, which is very famous in China, and that this was not cooked well so that, since the bat was a carrier of a type of coronavirus and a person eating that soup contracted the virus already mentioned.
    5.-The measures that we must take into account is to wash our hands very well and not be so close to a person for at least 1 meter.
    6.- The power to see that we must help each other and the collective conscience.
    7.-Sleep 8 hours a day, eat healthy, get away from stress, play sports regularly, maintain good personal hygiene, etc.
    8.-The soap works as a protective layer which repels the virus whenever you wash your hands regularly with that soap.
    9.- I think the advice to stay clean because it is something that many of us do regularly and I think is something everyday.
    10.-I think that we all stay at home since many people are used to going out either for their work or for something else.
    11.- I think that the easiest advice I could recommend is to always be neat and wash your hands frequently.
    12.-I believe that when listening to false testimonies that some people can alarm other people and what happened in supermarkets happens, which would be food shortages.
    13.-Bathe whenever we come from a crowded place, regularly put disinfectant gel on our hands, clean the house regularly, etc.
    14.-People are still alarmed by the quarantine and many worried about street vendors since they ate and lived on what they sold on the streets and now that we are in quarantine, all as they were going to do, but happily the government He gave them support for the first two weeks and now he will give another support for the other two weeks.

  30. 1. cold
    2. you can't breathe well
    your lungs
    you get a lot of mucus
    3.I start in china wuhan
    4.thousands of people died from the virus that has now spread to the world level
    5. don't leave home
    wear gloves
    face masks
    6. that we allow nature to breathe from bad pollution
    7. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
    Stay away from stress.
    Play sports regularly.
    A healthy and balanced diet
    8. protects you from bacteria that are in your body
    9. wear a mask that can not get bad contamination
    10. leaving home because I can't see my relatives
    11. wash hands and wear gloves
    12. people start to panic because it can happen to them too
    13. wash your whole body to disinfect all the bacteria that bring you from the streets
    14. What to keep calm so that this problem that we are all living and that is affecting thousands of people passes


  31. Name:ANGELO MCKENZIE 1 "B"

    1. Yes, I do.

    2It is a very contagious virus that can cause death.

    3. There are seven types of coronaviruses.

    4. It's can cause us death.


    1. The characteristic is respiratory crisis

    2. It’s fever, shortness of breath and dry cough.

    3. It was in Wuhan, China.

    4. The people became infected from eating bats.

    5. The preventive measures are to constantly wash your hands, be at home and wearing face masks.

    6. The positive side is that the air is clean, the rivers are clean, the environments are being restored.

    7. I can have a diet based on fruits and vegetables, I have to drink a lot of water and I have to do exercises. I have to control the pressure, I have to sleep well.

    8. the soap destroys the virus.

    9. The most important advice is not to touch my face with my hands.

    10. It is keeping distance from people because you are often in contact.

    11. The easiest advice is not to leave home and constantly wash your hands

    12. The false information alarms people and causes them to panic.


    -Wash your hands often.
    -Wash your hands with alcohol gel.
    -Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    -Bathing often.
    -Cover up by coughing or sneezing.
    14. My opinion is that in these situations we should avoid falling into ignorance. Respect the protocols and rules given by our government because it can cause death


    1. Microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date.
    3. Viruses are divided into two families: Orthocoronavirina and Letovirinae.
    4. It destroys its defenses of the living being and makes it feel the basic symptoms of the Covid-19.


    1. Coronavirus is officially a respiratory infection, which means it affects the lungs and airways. Typical symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, and fever.
    2.• Sore throat.
    • Fever.
    • Difficulty breathing.
    • Headache.
    • Chills and general discomfort.
    • Runny nose and runny nose.

    3. It was first discovered and isolated in Wuhan, China, following the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease epidemic.
    4. Many of the earliest cases of the infection were linked to a seafood and animal market in Wuhan in Hubei province.

    • Stay home if you are sick.
    • Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze.
    • Wear a mask if you are sick
    • Clean and disinfect.

    6. The positive side of what we are experiencing is that through quarantine we can spend more time with our family.
    • Consume fruits and vegetables daily.
    • Drink at least two liters of water.
    • Include in the diet fish and meat in equal doses.
    • Incorporate legumes and seeds.
    • Avoid the intake of fats, fried and refined sugars.

    8. It creates a protective layer on the skin and protects you from viruses and bacteria.
    9. Stay home, because that's how we prevent and are safe.
    10. Stay at home.
    11. They make them sicker and more worried and sometimes they make decisions that can affect their health more.
    12. Bathing daily, brushing and not greeting with a kiss or hug.
    13. It is a strong virus and we have to prevent it to end it.


  33. 1. The coronavirus is transmitted by physical contact, by carelessness and poor hygiene of people.
    2.- The most common symptoms are cough, fever, throat, etc.
    3. In China, Wuhan City
    4. by physical contact with people.
    5. have good hygiene, constantly wash your hands, comply with the regulations that the government gives us.
    6. It helps people to value more what they have, to become aware.
    7. sleep 8 hours, have good hygiene, have a healthy diet,
    8. Helps bacteria on hands to die.
    9. have good hygiene, wash your hands constantly.
    10. stay home
    11. It is better to stay home with your family and wash your hands very well.
    12. People when they see that they are false take it as a joke and that brings consequences.
    13. wash hands, cover up when sneezing
    14. is a super serious illness that
    all of us must take the necessary care not to get infected and so we can avoid many more infections.


  34. 1.-The coronavirus is a disease that is transmitted by physical contact, and rarely by air.
    2.-The characteristics are: dry cough, high fever and difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
    3.-It was identified for the first time on December 1, 2019 in the city of Wuhan, capital of the province of Hubei, in central China.
    4.-A viruses found in bats. It is not clear if the virus had been circulating previously or if Wuhan is the place of origin of the pandemic or only the place where it was first identified.
    5.-The preventions are: Hand washing, respiratory hygiene, self-isolation, social distancing.
    6.- Less contamination, crystalline channels, more united than ever, creativity in its maximum splendor.
    7.-Sleep well, be aware of colds, perform physical activity, regulate daily caffeine.
    8.-It works in a way that uses soap to avoid contagion. The main key is that it acts as a destroyer for microorganisms.
    9.-Isolation, because if you find out that you have COVID-19, it is necessary to wash your hands, respiratory hygiene, since that is basic. Then that person should reconsider and get away from everyone else, in order to prevent infecting other people.
    10.- The most difficult advice to follow is to stay at home:
    because some people go outside to play or drink alcoholic beverages in a state of emergency and that is the most difficult advice for me.
    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12.- False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.

    -Arú Montes I "B"


  35. 1-The characteristics are mild: fever and cough. In the most severe cases, they cause pneumonia or severe acute breathing difficulties.

    2-The symptoms are: sore throat, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

    3-It was detected for the first time in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Hubei province)

    4-People were infected by physical contact and sneezing.

    5-Wash your hands frequently. Keep a distance of 1 m between people.
    Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands, etc.

    6-The positive side is that pollution is reduced.

    7-We can eat foods with vitamins to strengthen our immune system.

    8-The soap is made of pin-shaped molecules, each of which has a hydrophilic head that prevents the virus from moving any further.

    9-Continuous hand washing is the easiest to follow.

    10-The most difficult advice to follow is to stay at home.

    11-Wash your hands because it is something that everyone does very often for hygiene

    12-It affects that as people create this information, it is disclosed and more people panic.

    13-Disinfect the most common areas, eat healthy (vitamins) and wear masks when going out.

    14-I think that the coronavirus saw the world burn down for good by reducing pollution and for bad because it takes the people we love.

    Ana Reyna 2"A"


    Yes, I do.

    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It is a very contagious virus that can cause death.

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are seven types of coronaviruses.

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It's can cause us death.

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    The characteristic is respiratory crisis

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    It’s fever, shortness of breath and dry cough.

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    It was in Wuhan, China.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    The people became infected from eating bats.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    The preventive measures are to constantly wash your hands, be at home and wearing face masks.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The positive side is that the air is clean, the rivers are clean, the environments are being restored.

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    I can have a diet based on fruits and vegetables, I have to drink a lot of water and I have to do exercises. I have to control the pressure, I have to sleep well.

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    the soap destroys the virus.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    The most important advice is not to touch my face with my hands.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    It is keeping distance from people because you are often in contact.

    10. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    The easiest advice is not to leave home and constantly wash your hands

    11. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    The false information alarms people and causes them to panic.

    12. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Wash your hands often.
    -Wash your hands with alcohol gel.
    -Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    -Bathing often.
    -Cover up by coughing or sneezing.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    My opinion is that in these situations we should avoid falling into ignorance. Respect the protocols and rules given by our government because it can cause death
    GRADE: 4TO A

    1. It is a microorganism that generates various diseases
    2. Covid-19 is a respiratory disease that is transmitted from person to person
    3. There are innumerable types of coronaviruses, but there are some that do not affect humans, as there are other types that do
    4. It can cause some type of illness that can lead to death

    1. One of the characteristics is difficulty breathing
    2. Fever - dry cough
    3. In China, Wuhan City
    4. Through physical contact since they thought it was a common cold
    5. Wash your hands consecutively, wear a mask
    6. That thanks to this virus we will be more prepared in case any other similar virus spreads and wash our hands is going to come back as a habit
    7. Sleep well, have a balanced diet and have a lot of hygiene
    8. Works as a barrier against any virus
    9. Wash your hands consecutively, because this reduces the probability of contagion
    10. Wash your hands because we need that habit, on the other hand the person with low economic resources have the necessary water
    11. Do not greet with forms that have to do with physical contact, whether through kissing, hugging, etc.
    12. It affects in a psychological way and they think that this disease is something slight, that it should not be taken as important.
    13. Cover your mouth when we cough, sneeze, use a mouth cap.
    14. In my opinion, in these circumstances, we must respect quarantine since this will not increase the number of infected

    3° "B"

  38. 1.It´s diease that is transmitted by physical contact.
    2.The signs and symptoms can be:
    - Sore throat.
    - Cough.
    - Difficulty breathing.
    - Fever.
    3.In China, Whuan City.
    4.Trought physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing.
    5.Wash your hands often and stay home.
    6.Makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsable also decreases global pollution.
    7.Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8.Soap helps the virus die.
    9.Wash yout hands is very important.
    10.Stay home as some don´t obey.
    11.It is best to stay at home whit your family and wash your hands very well.
    12.Makes people very desperate with your family and wash your hands very well.
    13.Wash your hands and when ou sneeze or cough cover whit your elbow or handkerchief.
    14.It is a disease that mainly affects people with law defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at homel.


  39. 1.-A person can contract COVID-19 through contact with another person infected by the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through interactive drops from the nose or mouth that are expelled when an infected person coughs or exhales.
    2.The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
    sore throat
    difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
    3.The origin was in China (wuhan)
    4. The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold live seafood and animals.
    5. To prevent this virus the following is recommended:
    a) wash your hands frequently
    b) Cough in the elbow.
    c) do not touch your face with dirty hands
    d) maintain social distancing.
    e) Stay home if you can.
    6. The positive side is that the contamination has been reduced considerably.
    7. We can eat nutritious food (vitamin C is recommended).
    8. Soap molecules can dissolve the fatty membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to bind and infect other cells.
    9. So that you can maintain the house because if we do not have contact with infected people we cannot have it and wash our hands well, for 30 seconds, because if you have the virus on your hands and you wash them, you can no longer infect yourself.
    10. The one to stay at home since I cannot be with my friends as much as before.
    11. The one to wash the hands and to cough in the elbow since they are applied daily for reasons of hygiene.
    12. If the media provide us with false information, it will create a stir in the entire population, which will lead to people buying more and that generates scarcity and panic in people.
    a) Clean hands with gel alcohol.
    b) Use masks in public places.
    c) Use public transport at times when there are not a large number of passengers
    d) Walk or use a bicycle, if possible, to go to nearby places.
    14. I think that we should all do our part to get out of this situation and that we have to comply with the indications.

    Thais Silva 2 "A"

    1. I understand that it is a microorganism that causes various diseases.
    2. I know it is a virus that spreads easily, can be deadly, and affects more adults.
    3. There are two Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
    4. It affects the lungs and airways.
    1. It is a disease that is transmitted by physical contact.
    2. Fever, fatigue, dry cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, sore throat and headache, fever, chills.
    It was first discovered and isolated in Wuhan, China.
    4. People in Wuhan-China became infected by physical contact and by breathing.
    5.-Wash your hands constantly.
    -Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands without washing.
    -Avoid close contact.
    -Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze.
    -Wear a mask.
    - Stay home.
    6. The positive side of this problem is that by all staying home, pollution is decreasing.
    7. What we can do is eat fruits, vegetables, exercise.
    8.When we wash our hands with soap and water, we surround any microorganisms on our skin with soap molecules. The hydrophobic tails of the free-floating soap molecules shy away from water. In doing so, they enter the lipid envelopes of bacteria and viruses and force open them, acting as wedges that leverage and destabilize the entire membrane protection system. Proteins detach from the broken membranes and enter the surrounding water, killing bacteria and rendering viruses unusable.
    9. For me the most important advice is to wash our hands constantly.
    10. For me the most difficult advice is to stay at home, since they take away our freedom, but nevertheless we must do it to face this problem.
    11. The easiest advice to follow would be to wash your hands constantly.
    12. It affects that people may think that what is happening is not important and can stop preventing the contagion.
    13. Other hygiene measures would be bathing afterwards.
    14. My opinion is that people abide by the rules and continue to prevent contagion.

  41. 1. It is a virus that is transmitted through contact with other people and through the air.
    2. Symptoms are: sore throat, cough and fever.
    3. Covid-19 originated in China.
    4. The infected were by respiratory and physical contact.
    5. We can avoid it by keeping one meter away from people, washing our hands, using masks and antibacterial gel.
    6. The positive side is that pollution has subsided.
    7. We can eat foods that have become nutritious.
    8. Soap can attack lipid membranes by preventing the virus from moving further.
    9. Don't leave the house, because if you get to possibly get the people around you too.
    10. Not being able to leave the house.
    11. Wash your hands because it is part of our personal grooming.
    12. It affects us very much because some believe in this misleading information.
    13. Disinfect all the things we touch, wash our hands very well and wear masks when leaving.
    14. I believe that coronavirus is a highly contagious disease which, although it has come to kill many people, has also helped to make pollution go away by waning.

    NAME:Karla Méndez 2°"B"

  42. Sebastian Vasquez 3"B"28 de marzo de 2020, 15:27

    Sebastian Vasquez Villa 3"B"

    1.-It is an acellular microscopic infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms
    2.-Known as coronavirus disease or incorrectly known as coronavirus pneumonia, it is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2.
    3.-There are 7 types of coronavirus:
    * 229E
    * OC43
    * SARS-CoV
    * NL63
    * HKU1
    * MERS-CoV
    * SARS-CoV-2.
    4.-In people, the coronavirus mainly affects the lungs and also the stomach. On the other hand, animals give them respiratory problems that can be severe or mild.
    1.-the main symptom is a conventional flu that is increasing little by little
    2.-The symptoms described are fever, headache and fatigue, accompanied by dry cough and dryness and in many cases of dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
    3.-Its origin is more related to the mutation of viruses found in bats and pangolins trafficked and offered for sale in the Huanan market in Wuhan, China.
    4.-It was first identified on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan City, the capital of central China's Hubei Province, when a group of people with unknown cause pneumonia, mainly linked to wholesale market workers, were reported. South China Seafood Restaurant from Wuhan.
    5.-Have good hygiene, wear masks, gloves and stay away from infected people
    6.-thanks to covis-19 ecosystems are returning to normal and pollution is decreasing
    7.-* Exercise daily
    * Take some sun rays
    * Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night
    * Avoid cigarette smoke.
    * Reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine
    8.-When you wash your hands with soap and water, you surround the microorganisms on your skin with soap molecules. The hydrophobic tails of the free-floating soap molecules attempt to evade water; in the process, they are wedged into the lipid envelopes of certain microbes and viruses, separating them. They act as levers and destabilize the entire system. Essential proteins spill out of the broken membranes into the surrounding water, killing bacteria and rendering viruses useless.
    9.-the most important for me to have good hygiene, washing hands every 20 minutes because it is the most important thing to have a healthy and good life
    10.-The most difficult for me is to stay in social isolation for 15 days
    11.-the easiest is to have the necessary hygiene to be safe from the virus and anyone can do that
    12.-People can make bad decisions and this can affect their health and life due to false information
    13.-Disinfecting yourself every 20 minutes with alcohol not having contact with people who have gone out
    14.-that no specialist knows the magnitude that this virus may have in humanity

  43. 1. It is a virus that is transmitted through contact with other people and through the air.
    2. Symptoms are: sore throat, cough and fever.
    3. Covid-19 originated in China.
    4. The infected were by respiratory and physical contact.
    5. We can avoid it by keeping one meter away from people, washing our hands, using masks and antibacterial gel.
    6. The positive side is that pollution has subsided.
    7. We can eat foods that have become nutritious.
    8. Soap can attack lipid membranes by preventing the virus from moving further.
    9. Don't leave the house, because if you get to possibly get the people around you too.
    10. Not being able to leave the house.
    11. Wash your hands because it is part of our personal grooming.
    12. It affects us very much because some believe in this misleading information.
    13. Disinfect all the things we touch, wash our hands very well and wear masks when leaving.
    14. I believe that coronavirus is a highly contagious disease which, although it has come to kill many people, has also helped to make pollution go away by waning.

    name: samantha bernal garcia 2B

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    -A virus is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    -What I know is that it is a disease like the flu and it mainly affects older people and children.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    -There are six currently known kinds of coronaviruses that infect humans. The most common infection globally is from human coronaviruses.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    -Coronavirus causes muscle pain, cough, fever, headache, and cold in humans.In animals,it affects newborns.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    -That it looks like a normal flu but it isn´t.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    -The symptoms are: Fever,cough,difficult for breath
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    -In Wuhan,China.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    -Because one person got the virus and transmited it to another person forming a chain.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    -Wash your hands in every moment,use face mask to cough or sneeze,being at home.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    -The air is cleaner,the rivers are cleaner too,the overpopulation is being minimized,there are more animals and in some way the enviroment is get restarted.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    -A lot of things like:
    * Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables
    *You must drink a lot of water
    *You have to exercise
    *You have to maintain your healthy weight
    *You have to control your blood preasure
    *Get enough sleep.Sleep almost 8 hours.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    -Soap destroys the virus
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    -Wash our hands, because if we do this constantly, it will be impossible for the virus to enter in our body.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    -Keep distance for other people because its literally imposible.
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    -Stay at home,it cost nothing,please stay at home
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    -People enter in panic and that its not good for society.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    *Wash the fruits before eating
    *Wash correctly our hands
    *Take a shower daily
    *Don´t touch our face with dirty hands
    *Keep distance
    *Get a healthy life
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    -The coronavirus is seriously affecting us, and if we love our country, together we can end this virus. We all have to contribute.


  46. Before listening:
    1.-It is an acellular microscopic infectious agent than only multiply witchin the cells of the organism
    2.-As Coronavirus disease(Covid-19)spread, so does disinformation. Knowing the data is essential to be well prepared and protect yourself and your loved ones against the virus
    3) Within the coronavirus there are four main groups and they have names of greek letters: alpha,beta,ganmma and delta.
    4.-Unnafect in animals
    While listening:
    1.-The virus spreads throughout our body and then it already causes problems in our organisms such as the brain, lungs, heart, etc.
    2.-Fever, dry cough, breathing problems, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, stuffy nose, tiredness, fatigue.
    3.-In China, Wuhan City
    4.-the main form of infection is through contact
    -Wash our hands
    -Have a distance of 2 meters to avoid spreading if someone has Covid-19
    -Go out with disposable gloves and mask
    -Disinfect any place in your home
    6.-Staying at home is the best solution to avoid getting infected
    7.-Eating vegetables, healthy fruits and nutritious foods to raise our defenses to avoid getting infected.
    8.-The soap helps us with its chemical structure, and with the water it eliminates the virus completely.
    9.- prefer to stay at home to avoid getting this virus because this way the virus is allowed to spread and the cases are also reduced.
    10.-For me the most difficult is when I see people leaving and do not abide by social isolation, the government tells him but they are irresponsible but now for not obeying the government it will be bad.
    11.-To stay at home to avoid infection and abide by the emergency order of social isolation
    12.-In most of the people they do not care but when it is false information some believe it but others do not because they obey and listen to news.
    13.-Wash my hands every 20 seconds and stay home to avoid getting infected.
    14.-We are going to abide by the order that the government gave us but there are irresponsible people who leave their homes and thus the virus spreads further.
    Name:Christian Alexander Aspillaga Torres
    Grade: 3ero B secundary

  47. Ruth Sephora 1ERO B.


    1.- It is a small piece of acellular RNA that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.

    2.- It is a respiratory condition that can be spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that was first identified in Wuhan, China and is currently killing many people worldwide.

    3. There are seven types:
    • HCoV-229E
    • HCoV-OC43
    • HCoV-NL63
    • HCoV-HKU1
    • SARS-CoV
    • MERS-CoV
    • SARS-CoV-2 (this is the current one)

    4.- Affects the lungs and respiratory system of humans


    1.-The main characteristic is respiratory conditions, also fever, tiredness and dry cough.

    • Cough.
    • Sore throat.
    • Fever.
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Headache
    • tiredness

    3.- It originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan

    4.- they became infected from one person to another by respiratory route through small drops that are emitted when speaking, sneezing, coughing.

    • Wash hands frequently
    • Avoid close contact
    • Cover your mouth with your elbow when coughing or sneezing
    • Wear masks
    • Clean the contact surfaces

    6.-Reducing pollution and closeness to our loved ones

    • Taking vitamin C
    • Do sport
    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
    • sleep 7 to 8 hours a night,
    • avoid stress
    • avoid consuming alcoholic beverages in excess.

    8.-It works by destroying the lipid layer of the coronavirus.

    9.- Hygiene with soap and water because with soap I am removing the coronavirus from my body.

    10.- Isolation, because all human beings are sociable.

    11.- Washing hands with soap and water.

    12.- It affects because it generates a wrong idea of the correct precautions that should be taken.

    • Disinfect our pets
    • Wash and disinfect our clothes
    • Wash and disinfect food
    • Wear protective gloves
    • Avoid the accumulation of garbage in our houses

    14.- Mutation of this virus

  48. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  49. Answers:
    1.- It is a microscopic infectious agent that multiplies within the cells of other organisms and consists of genetic material
    2.- It is a disease caused by a virus that can start like a common cold, in the worst case, causes pneumonia or death.
    3.- The three main types are:
    MERS- Cov
    SARS- Cov
    COVID- 19
    4.- Older people and people with chronic medical conditions appear to be in the highest risk group for developing severe disease
    1.- The virus can easily penetrate all types of cells. COVID-19 could directly infect the liver, replicating and killing cells.
    2.- Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These can appear in 2 days, or up to 14 days, after being infected.
    3.- In the Chinese city of Wuhan, Hubei province, China.
    4.- It was once thought to be a seafood and fish market in Wuhan City, but researchers have ruled it out. They do conclude that the virus spread in this place, but it is not clear if it mutated in any animal before it became human.
    5.- The best way to prevent the disease is to avoid exposure to this virus, wash your hands frequently, and avoid close contact.
    6.- That we know that we can protect ourselves against this virus, taking care of ourselves and thus not putting others at risk, taking the appropriate measures
    7.- Maintaining a healthy diet, a balanced diet accompanied by water, also exercising often
    8.- Soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.
    9.- Follow proper hygiene, such as washing hands continuously, so that we are more protected
    10.- The most difficult is to stay at home, because there are many people who work day by day and from that they live to satisfy all the basic needs that exist and not being able to work would be a loss for all of them.
    11.- It would be following proper hygiene and avoiding close contact with those who have this virus or suffer from respiratory diseases.
    12.- Thus managing to get confused and, in some cases, not having much interest in what is really said about this disease
    13.- When you go shopping, stay one meter away from others, always go out with a mask and change them whenever necessary, do not consume ice cold drinks
    14.- This disease has surprised us, causing death worldwide, therefore we all have to stay at home to avoid getting


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    I know that it is an entity that is transmitted in the air and causes diseases
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It is a global virus for which a pandemic occurred and its main symptoms are cough
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    Before, there was a coronavirus with the same symptoms, but it was not another danger that occurs in the majority of those infected and another in a health personnel who experienced a stronger coronavirus that killed it.

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    In no way since they discovered that the virus dies quickly

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    The virus spreads throughout our body and causes problems in our organisms, such as the lungs, heart, etc
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Sore throat, cough, fever, shortness of breath
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    In China, Wuhan City
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    the main form of infection is through contact
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Wash your hands in every moment,use face mask to cough or sneeze,being at home.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    Staying at home is the best solution to avoid getting infected
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Eat vegetables, healthy fruits, and nutritious foods.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    Soap helps us with its chemical structure, and with water it eliminates the virus completely
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    Stay home to avoid infection.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    comply by emergency order of social isolation

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Stay home to avoid infection.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    Most people don't care, but when it comes to false information, some believe it but others don't because they obey and listen to the news.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Wash my hands every 20 seconds and stay home
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    Richard Camarena Reyes 3 "A"

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    microorganism composed of genetic material that causes various diseases by entering a cell as a parasite
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    which is a kind of virus that was transmitted to people and this is killing and infecting thousands of people
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    there are 3 types
    MERS- Cov
    SARS- Cov
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    So far there are no dead animal cases
    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.
    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    can cause pain and physical discomfort in the parts of the body
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    The main ones are:
    -sore throat
    -general discomfort
    -cough headache
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    originated in china in wuhan city
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    was infected for the first time by incorrectly eating a bat
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    one of the main ones are:
    -stay at home
    -be within one meter of anyone
    -wash your hands with soap
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    that nature has decreased pollution
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    eat fruit and vegetables
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    soap is one of the main factors to stop the spread of the virus since it is designed to kill keeping hands clean and disinfected
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    stay home during quarantine to avoid further infection
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    is to stay home during quarantine since many cannot bear to be isolated
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    have face masks and wash hands
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    putting false information on the networks causes despair in people
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    putting on masks and washing our hands well
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    which is a virus that can be fatal
    Jimmy Garcia Moreno 3"A"


  52. 1.Causes problems in organisms and respiratory infections that can be a common cold to a more serious illness.
    2. fever, dry cough, tiredness, nasal congestion and head pain.
    3.the origin of the covid-19 was in wuhan (china)
    4.You can get covid-19 from contact with another that is infected by the virus.
    5.The measurements are:
    -wash your hands with soap and water and use a disinfectant.
    -Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth without washed hands.
    6.that we see that nature is blooming, there is no longer contamination by the virus.
    7. Do not reach infected people and be less than 1 meter away.
    8.that you should wash your hands well when you touch the cell phone, the computer, etc.
    9.washing hands.because that is what all people must do to be clean and not lose more lives.
    10. Do not go outside due to viruses, because the person cannot bear to be locked up.
    11. Take care of yourself and wash your hands 3 times a day.
    12. Let them think that is what the mayor said, but my example is that they should only listen to the mayor's word, not from social networks.
    13. cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze.
    14. That we should not worry that the virus has already been cured in China but what I mean is that in the most affected countries it does not leave their homes.

  53. Melanie Falcón Córdova IV "A"
    1.- It's a very infectious microorganism and it reproduces within our organism.
    2.- It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    3.- There are 7 types of coronavirus.
    4.- Fortunately animals are not affected, but humans are, even death.
    1.- Among its main features is sneezing and coughing.
    2.- Symptoms are: shortness of breath, cough, sneezing, and fever.
    3.- The origin was in Wuhan, China.
    4.- They became infected by eating a bat and these people had contact with others and thus they became infected.
    5.- They are: wash your hands, when you sneeze or cough cover yourself and when you leave your house wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and animals can go out to their habitats freely.
    7.- We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    8.- The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses when we wash our hands.
    9.- I consider two, and they are that we must stay at home and wash our hands, because this way we will avoid its spread.
    10.- The most difficult is to touch our face, because it is something we do daily.
    11.- The easiest is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.- It affects us in the way that people panic, and this leads them to over-buy food in supermarkets.
    13.- Avoid meetings and contact with other foreign people, because that way we can prevent it.
    14.- That it is very good that the president has put Peru in quarantine, because this way we can avoid the spread of COVID-19. Also that we follow the recommendations to avoid increasing the deaths more.

  54. 1.It is an acellular microscopic infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2.It is a disease that is disturbed from person to person, affects the respiratory system.
    3.There are four types of coronavirus: cold coronavirus, SARS, MERS-CoV, and COVID-19.

    4.So far there are no dead animal cases.

    1.The most common characteristics are cough, pain of cable and the flu
    2.sore throat,cough,fever and difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
    3.It originated in China (Wuhan?
    4.They got infected when they had contact with someone infected
    5.Wash your hands afterwards, not have contact with anyone
    6.The positive side is that there is no longer much O2 propagation that improves the environment
    7.Eat many nutrients such as vitamins A and vitamins C
    8.Kill bacteria and you can't get it
    9.For me not to leave their houses, if it is something of life or death if
    10.Say hello to people, that became a little bird for us
    11.Wash your hands afterwards
    12.With so much news, people get upset quickly and start buying excessively
    13.Do not shake hands to greet
    14.The coronavirus helps us to have a good hygiene and there is not much contamination in the world

    Alejandro Quilcate Paredes IVB

    1.- It is a small piece of acellular RNA that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2.-As Coronavirus disease(Covid-19) spread, so does disinformation. Knowing the data is essential to be well prepared and protect yourself and your loved ones against the virus
    3.-There are 7 types of coronavirus:
    * 229E
    * OC43
    * SARS-CoV
    * NL63
    * HKU1
    * MERS-CoV
    * SARS-CoV-2.
    4. The infected were by respiratory and physical contact.
    5.-Have good hygiene, wear masks, gloves and stay away from infected people
    6. The positive side is that pollution has subsided.
    7-eat lots of healthy foods and increase my defenses.
    8.The soap allows it to penetrate our skin, preventing the spread of contagion.
    9.- I think the advice to stay clean because it is something that many of us do regularly and I think is something everyday.
    10. Stay at home.
    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12-It affects that as people create this information, it is disclosed and more people panic.
    13. Cover your mouth when we cough, sneeze, use a mouth cap.
    14.It is a disease that mainly affects people with law defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at homel.


      1.-A virus is bacterias that can kill living beings.
      2.-It is a virus that kills people. Their symptoms are a sore throat, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.
      3.-there are seven types, but the most lethal are: MERS- Cov, SARS- Cov, COVID-19.
      4.-This virus affects us in life could kill us and is already ending life.

  56. 1. it´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2. The signs and symptoms can be:
    -sore throat
    -difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
    3. In china, wuhan city
    4. Through physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing
    5. Wash your hands often and stay home
    6. Makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsible. Also decreases global pollution.
    7. Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8. Soap helps the virus die.
    9. Wash your hands is very important.
    10. Stay home as some don't obey.
    11. it is best to stay at home with your family and wash your hands very well.
    12. Makes people very desperate with false information.
    13. Wash your hands and when you sneeze or cough cover with your elbow or handkerchief.
    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with low defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at home!

    Renato Diaz IIA


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    Is a microorganism that causes different diseases in humans.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    Today is the most dangerous virus in the world.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are 7 types of coronavirus.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    In animals there isn't contagion, but in humans there is contagion

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    A main characteristics is a respiratory crisis.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    The main symptoms are cough, headache and fever.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    The origin was in China.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    The virus comes from a bat that was eaten by one person and then spread to everyone through physical contact.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Preventive measures are frequent use a mask, staying home and hand washing.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The positive is that there is less pollution in the world.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    I eat vegetables and fruits, I sleep well, I exercise and I have a good hygiene.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    The soap destroys the virus because it has a structure that kills bacteria.
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    The best advice I consider is staying at home because it's a way so we don't contact us with the coronavirus.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    I consider that the most difficult to follow a position is to touch the face because everyone has the habit of toaching the face.
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Hand washing because they all have soap and water.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    Affects tha people are altered and desperate and buy many articles of cleaning.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Avoid contact with other people.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    That people are taking quarantine measures and killing more people.
    Eduardo Anicama Zuñiga IV "B"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    it is a microorganism which causes diseases by introducing itself as a parasite into a cell to reproduce in it.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    it is a very dangerous virus that has caused a pandemic and scared people because it ends up killing
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    there are seven types, but the most lethal are: MERS- Cov, SARS- Cov, COVID-19
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It attacks as a respiratory infection along with cough, shortness of breath and fever, it can kill.

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    it does not present symptoms immediately, but when it does, it makes us feel tired, with fiber and cough
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    can cause cough, fever, breathing problems, pneumonia, headache and tiredness
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    the coronavirus originated in China, Wuhan city
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    from eating bats and then through contact with infected people
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?washing hands with soap and water, not having contact with people who have symptoms of fever or cough, covering with a handkerchief when sneezing, avoiding leaving the house or going to places with many people
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    due to the quarantine, people do not leave their homes and use their cars or leave garbage on the streets, the crime decreased and all industrial activity stopped
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    eat healthy, cook food well and wash your hands to avoid putting germs in your mouth
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    the soap is an antibacterial and that eliminates viruses in our body
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    wash your hands and cover yourself when sneezing, as this prevents the spread of the virus
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    staying home, many people are anxious and do not obey this advice
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    wash your hands because it's a simple thing
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    they panic and doubt, so they question the government and ignore the councils
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    not only wash hands, we must also take a shower to be clean and wear masks
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    which is a dangerous virus and becomes deadly to the elderly and people with low defenses

    noelia celeste bedon alva
    IV A

  59. Before Listening
    1.Yes, I know this virus and I know the problems that it can cause to the human being and to the other living beings that carry it.
    2.This virus is very danger for the people worldwide. This virus was born in China in a Wuhan market. This virus is spread through the air and can remain on objects or surfaces for several days.
    3.There are seven types of coronaviruses worldwide.
    4.Living beings are the most affected by this virus, since this virus mainly affects the lungs, causing the living being to stop breathing and die.
    While Listening
    1.The principal characteristic when this virus enters your body is the respiratory crisis
    2. The main symptomps are:
    sore throat
    high fever
    difficulty breathing
    3. This virus originated in Wuhan,China
    4. People in China are infected because the virus was inside a bat that a person ate and contracted the virus.
    5. The preventive measures are wash hands ,stay home and use face mask
    6. The positive sides are: The air is cleaner, the rivers is cleaner too, and more thing related to nature.
    7. Eat fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water, excercise a lot, mantain good hygiene and sleep well
    8. The soap destroy virus because the soap destoys a lot of bacteries
    9. Stay home, because it is a security measure to avoid contagion
    10. Don't touch the face, because is very difficult for me but i try to don't touch my face.
    11. Wash hands, why most of the people has water and soap.
    12. False information affects people because it creates extreme concern about what is happening or makes people think it is a simple flu.
    13. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue or inside the elbow, and avoid contact with other people
    14. My sincere opinion is that this virus should stop and we should try to stop it because otherwise we will continue this disease until the end of time.
    -Keysi Gonzales Ortega III"A"

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    4. How does it affect living creatures?

    1.- It's a very infectious microorganism and it reproduces within our organism.
    2.- It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    3.- There are 7 types of coronavirus.
    4.- Fortunately animals are not affected, but humans are, even death.
    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    1.- Among its main features is sneezing and coughing.
    2.- Symptoms are: shortness of breath, cough, sneezing, and fever.
    3.- The origin was in Wuhan, China.
    4.- They became infected by eating a bat and these people had contact with others and thus they became infected.
    5.- They are: wash your hands, when you sneeze or cough cover yourself and when you leave your house wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and animals can go out to their habitats freely.
    7.- We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    8.- The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses when we wash our hands.
    9.- I consider two, and they are that we must stay at home and wash our hands, because this way we will avoid its spread.
    10.- The most difficult is to touch our face, because it is something we do daily.
    11.- The easiest is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.- It affects us in the way that people panic, and this leads them to over-buy food in supermarkets.
    13.- Avoid meetings and contact with other foreign people, because that way we can prevent it.
    14.- That it is very good that the president has put Peru in quarantine, because this way we can avoid the spread of COVID-19.

    Eduardo Soledad Ponce IV A

  61. Before listening
    1.Is a microorganism composed of a genetic material wich causes disases.
    2.Is a really contagious virus that prevents you from breathing.
    3.There are seven tips of coronavirus in the world.
    4.This virus affect the breathing and in extreme cases it causes death.
    While listening
    1.It feels like a normal flu.
    2.The principal symptoms are cough, fiber and you can't breathing normal.
    3.The COVID-19 originated in China, Wuhan City.
    4.From eating bats infected with the virus.
    5.You have to wash your hands with soap and water frequently and also you cannot have contact with other people because you don't know if these people have the virus.
    6.The positive side of this problem is that the air is cleaner, the rivers are cleaner and also the population reduce, so there are more animals.
    7.Eat healthy to protect your body from bacteria, must drink water, exercise your body, control your stress and sleep enough.
    8.The soap is an antibacterial contains some molecules fight the virus.
    9.I think that washing your hands and trying not to touch your face are the most important recommendations because you avoid taking the virus into your body.
    10.I think staying at home is the most dificult because we're used to going out.
    11.Wash your hands because we always do.
    12.You panic without knowing the reality of the virus.
    13.We also can wear mask and take a shower frequently.
    14. It´s a dangerous virus, because it spreads quickly and mainly affects the older people.
    -María José Pinto Bazán 4to "C"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    A virus is an infectious agent that is inside the living cells of an organism.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    Is a pandemic that is killing several people and that at the moment has no vaccine.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are currently 7 types of coronavirus.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    Fortunately in animals there is no contagion but in humans if.

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    One of its main characteristics is the respiratory crisis.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    The symptoms are: headache, fever and cough.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    The origin was in China.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    They became infected through an animal (bat) that caused a person to have a virus and that person comes into contact with another person who also infects them.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Preventive measures are: frequent hand washing, staying home, wearing a mask and covering up when coughing or sneezing.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The positive side is that the environment is being restored, since the air is cleaner, like the rivers, there are also animal sightings.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Be on a diet highly of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, control our stress level, also control blood pressure, sleep well and take preventive measures on hygiene.
    Be on a diet highly of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, control our stress level, also control blood pressure, sleep well and take preventive measures on hygiene.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    The soap destroys the virus because of its structure and how it kills bacteria.
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    Staying home, because this way we avoid the spread of covid-19.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    Avoiding touching the face, because we mostly do it and it is done frequently daily.
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Hand washing, since more than the majority of the population has soap and water.
    Hand washing, since more than the majority of the population has soap and water.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    It affects in the sense that the population is altered and begins to act in a very reckless way, for example the excessive purchase of the hygienic pael.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Avoid meetings where many people are present and avoid contact with other people.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    That it is taking more measures such as quarantine and that it is killing several people.
    Autor-Dalia Sofia Casana Llorca 1ro B

  63. 1. It is an acellular microscopic infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. That it is a new virus for humanity that can lead to the death of a person.
    3. There are seven types, but the most lethal are: MERS- Cov, SARS- Cov, COVID-19
    4. It affects us like a flu, only much stronger.
    5. At first it feels like a normal flu
    6. Cough, sore throat, general discomfort, shortness of breath, headache.
    7. It had its origin in the city of Wuhan, in China.
    8. From eating bats infected with the virus.
    9. Constantly wash your hands, cover up when you sneeze or cough, and listen to the authorities.
    10. The positive side is that in quarantine the contamination has decreased and the planet is better off with bluer skies and cleaner seas.
    11. Eat enough foods with vitamins C and many more others.
    12. The soap acts as a repellent for viruses, so it is recommended to wash your hands always and more before touching your face.
    13. Wash your hands constantly and cover yourself when coughing and sneezing, because this way I take care of the germs that want to enter my body.
    14. The one to stay at home in this time of quarantine, because it is very easy to get bored at home and not know what to do anymore.
    15. To wash your hands constantly.
    16. It makes them more paranoid and scares them by taking unnecessary steps.
    17. If you go out when you get home, take a bath and do not touch the people who did not go out with you and say hello from afar.
    18. That it is very dangerous and we still have no cure for it.
    -Jessica Johany Saldaña Medina IV "A"

  64. 1. It lodges in the upper respiratory tract.
    2. It produces symptoms of dry cough, high fever, general discomfort and joint pain.
    3. It originated on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei Province in central China.
    4. The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold live seafood and animals.
    5. Preventive measures to keep in quarantine are, maintain personal hygiene, eat a healthy diet, avoid contact, etc.
    6. People will be cleaner and we will have more respect for the authorities and health personnel and we will also be prepared for a new epidemic.
    7. Eat well, have a healthy life and be hygienic.
    8. Soap molecules can dissolve the fatty membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to bind and infect other cells.
    9. The best way to take care of yourself in these times is to have good hygiene and respect quarantine. Especially if we go shopping, it is best to keep an adequate distance and avoid going out without a mask.
    10. The advice that affects me the most is social distance, I am not used to moving away from human contact.
    11. The easiest advice is to maintain personal hygiene.
    12. False information can generate a lot of concern and scandal in society, as well as generate actions that affect others.
    13. Know how to sneeze, have a meter of distance with the people in this quarantine, go out alone to buy what is necessary.
    14. It is a pandemic and we must abide by what our authorities say so as not to spread this virus, we must also remain calm so as not to disturb people.
    Atte. Constanza Elizabeth Mendez Ordoñez 2"B"

    1. From what I understand a virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent, they infect all kinds of organisms.
    2. I know that covid 19 is spread primarily by direct contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze, or by contact with their respiratory droplets.
    3. There are three types of coronavirus: SARS-CoV2 is identified as the cause of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), MERS-CoV was identified in 2012 as the cause of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), SARS-CoV was identified in 2002 as the cause of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
    4. Animals are affected in such a way that they have respiratory problems that can be grave or slight.
    1. When it enters our body, it is subject to the cells of the mucosa of the bottom of the nose and throat.
    2. The symptoms of coronavirus are sore throat, cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
    3. It was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
    4. There they became infected by physical contact and by breathing.
    5. The preventive measures that we must take are: Clean our hands frequently, avoid close contact, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands without washing, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze and stay home.
    6. The positive side of everything that is happening is that pollution is decreasing.
    7. What we must do to maintain it is having a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, doing physical activities and sleeping well.
    8. It works in such a way that soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to adhere to and infect other cells.
    9. The most important advice for me is to wash our hands constantly with soap and not to touch our face, so we can better prevent the coronavirus.
    10. The most difficult advice is to stay in our houses and have no social contact, since we miss our friends and we will not be able to leave our home.
    11. The one of always washing our hands with soap, although some do not, but we must fulfill it.
    12. It affects so that people do not become aware of what is happening, which is, very serious and can take it to play.
    13. Another way to prevent it would be to disinfect the products you buy from us.
    14. My opinion about the coronavirus is very risky for all of us, and we must follow all the precautions they give us to combat it and we do not take it as a joke, since it is all for our health and well-being.

  66. Questions:
    1.-Yes, it is a microorganism that causes various diseases, presenting itself as a parasite in a cell to reproduce in it.
    2.-It is a group of viruses that can cause various conditions, from the common cold to serious respiratory infections; caused by SARS-CoV-2.
    3.-There are 7 types of coronavirus:
    * 229E
    * OC43
    * SARS-CoV
    * NL63
    * HKU1
    * MERS-CoV
    * SARS-CoV-2.
    4. Covid-19 in people: mainly affects the lungs and also the stomach,
    Covid-19 in animals: cause respiratory problems that can be serious or mild.

    1.- The main characteristics of Covid-19 infections can be the following; It will depend on the type of Covid-19 and the severity of the infection:
    • Cough.

    • Sore throat.

    • Fever.

    • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).

    • Headache.

    • Chills and general discomfort.

    2.-The symptoms described are fever, headache and fatigue, accompanied by dry cough and dryness and in many cases of dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
    3.-Its origin is more related to the virus mutation found in bats and pangolins trafficked and offered for sale in the Huanan market in Wuhan, China.
    4. The Covid-19 that emerged in Wuhan, China, appears to be transmitted between humans by the drops released when people cough or sneeze. The virus can survive for a short time outside the body, so the sender and receiver must be relatively close for infection to occur.
    5.-Maintain good hygiene, wear masks, gloves and stay away from infected people.
    6.-Thanks to covid-19, ecosystems are returning to normal and pollution is decreasing.
    7 .- * Play sports regularly
    * A healthy and balanced diet.
    * Maintain good hygiene
    * Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
    * Stay away from stress

    8.- Soap molecules can dissolve the fatty membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to adhere to other cells and infect them.
    9.-The most important thing for me is to have good hygiene.
    10.-The most difficult thing for me is to take care of my family and avoid them constantly getting bored.
    11.-the easiest thing is to have the necessary hygiene to be safe from the virus and anyone can do it
    12.-People can make bad decisions, this can affect their health and life due to this false information
    13.-Disinfect yourself every 20 minutes with alcohol without having contact with people who have gone out
    14.-That no specialist knows the cure for this virus or the magnitude it may have in society.



    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    -It’s an acellular microscopic infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    -Is the most recently discovered infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. Both the new virus and the disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are seven types
    - HCoV-OC43
    - HCoV-NL63
    - HCoV-HKU1
    - SARS-CoV
    - MERS-CoV
    - SARS-CoV-2
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    -Although in animals the virus is not contagious, in humans it is, and if a person is not well cared for and has others diseases, they can be seriously ill with even possible death.


    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    -This virus causes a respiratory crisis
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    -The main symptoms are flu, fever, cough. Difficulty breathing
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    -It’s origin was in Wuhan, China
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    -They were first infected by eating a bat
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    -Stay at home, not having contact with people who have symptoms of fever or cough, washing our hands with lots of water and soap.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    Due to quarantine, people stopped leaving their homes, pollution decreases, in the case of Venice, its waters are now cleaner.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    -Eat healthy, consume vitamin C, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy and non-sedentary life.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    -Soap works in a way that dissolves the fat membrane of the virus thus destroy it.
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    -Eat healthy and do exercise regularly because in this way our body becomes stronger.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    -It will depend on the person, I consider that for some, it would be very difficult to stay at home, because they usually have a different lifestyle and it is difficult to adapt. For other people, it would be eating healthy, because they have bad eating habits and they don't know how to resist the junk food that they usually include in their food every day.
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    -I think it would be stay at home, it is not forever, I think people should collaborate well with this situation.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    -False information cause panic and because of this, people react without thinking and being well informed.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    -We can also use mask to protect ourselves from contagions, use antibacterial alcohol, among others.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    -All of us, as individuals, must collaborate with all preventive measures to able to reduce the speed at which the virus is spread and hospitals are not saturated.


    1.- Microorganism that is introduced into a cell in order to reproduce.
    2.- It is a disease that attacks the respiratory tract, causing flu, cough, fever, etc. In severe cases it causes pneumonia.
    3.- There are several, but only 7 affect people.
    4.-directly attacks the respiratory system causing death


    1.- The virus manifests itself causing sneezing and coughing.
    2.- at the beginning it produces a cough, flu, etc. Then it attacks the entire respiratory system more strongly
    3.- The origin was in Wuhan, China.
    4.- They became infected by eating a bat, and this spread through contact between people
    5.- preventive measures are: wash your hands when you sneeze or cough, and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and thanks to this the animals can go out freely.
    7.- We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    8.- The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses that are on our hands when we wash them.
    9.-we must stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.
    10.- The one of staying at home, because I consider that not many like to be locked up in their homes, and because of this they make the mistake of leaving them.
    11.- The easiest thing is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.-Bad information causes people to panic, and because of this causes excessive buying of groceries, monopolizing the markets.
    13.- Avoid contact with people, if you leave your house to buy food use a mask.
    14.- It is a virus that has caused too many deaths, but within all this there is something positive, which is the decline of environmental contamination.

    Oscar Jhoan Castro Zevallos IV "C"

    1. It is an infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. That is transmitted by the drops of the breath that are expelled when coughing and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the face; that there is no evidence to date showing that pets such as cats or dogs can transmit the virus; and that the best way to avoid the contagion is to wash your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face and avoiding contact with people who have symptoms similar to those of the flu or cold; that this disease affects people of all ages and everyone should take precautions; that there are still no vaccines or medicines that can prevent or cure the virus, but many symptoms of the disease can be treated and that the results can improve if medical attention is sought in time, since most patients recover with complementary treatment.
    3. There are currently 7 types of coronavirus.
    4. It produces respiratory problems that can be serious as minor.
    1. It does not present symptoms immediately, but when it does, it makes us feel tired, with fever and cough.
    2. The symptoms can be:
    sore throat, cough, fever, or
    difficulty breathing
    3. It originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
    4. They became infected through physical contact.
    5. Clean our hands frequently, avoid close contact, avoid touching your face with your hands without washing, covering your mouth when you cough and sneeze and especially staying home.
    6. The positive side of everything that is happening is that the contamination has decreased.
    7. What we must do is have a healthy weight, eat a healthy diet, play sports and sleep well.
    8. Soap molecules can dissolve the fatty membrane and affect the structure of the virus, causing it not to infect other cells.
    9. I think it is not to touch our face with dirty hands and respect the state of emergency, so that we can prevent the coronavirus and avoid getting or infecting the rest.
    10. With what I have been reporting on the news, the most difficult advice to follow is to stay in our houses, because it is difficult for us not to socialize with our environment.
    11. That of washing our hands with soap.
    12. It affects so that people do not realize the consequences that this pandemic is really generating.
    13. Another way of prevention would be disinfecting the products that we use frequently.
    14. My opinion about the coronavirus is that all of us must follow to the letter all the precautions that we are being given in order to fight the virus. and that we should become aware.


    1. A virus is an infectious agent that is inside the living cells of an organism.
    2. It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    3. It originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
    4. Fortunately in animals there is no contagion but in humans if.

    1. The virus causes people to become respiratory crisis
    2. -fiber
    -difficulty breathing
    3. It's transmited from an animal to a person, and after when the person is infected it is transmited from a person to another person.
    4. The first time that people infected was eating bats one of the animals the most dangerous.
    5. -washing your hands
    - being at home
    -use face mask
    6. -the air is cleaner
    -the river are being cleans
    -there are more animals
    7. -eat fruit in a diet or vegetables
    -drink water
    -doing exercises
    -sleep at 8 hours
    8. Soap destrog the virus, a drop of soap diluted in water is enough to break and kill the viruses.
    9. Wash your hands because by doing so you can prevent infection.
    10. The most difficult advice is to stay in our houses and have no social contact, since we miss our friends and we will not be able to leave our home.
    11. Wash often and stay at home.
    12. Because it makes people know and don't obey or it just instills fear.
    13. Avoid contsct with people, cook food well, wash frewuently, wear a mask when shopping and keep a good distance between people.
    14. I think people have to obey the gobernment in order to control the virus.

    Stacy Lozano Barba IV "B"

    1.- Microorganism that is introduced into a cell in order to reproduce.
    2.- It is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract.
    3.- There are 7 diferent types.
    4.- The virus causes cough, fever, headache, and cold in humans.

    1.- The virus manifests itself causing sneezing and coughing.
    2.- at the beginning it produces a cough, flu, etc. Then it attacks the entire respiratory system more strongly
    4.- They became infected by eating a bat.
    5.- preventive measures are: wash your hands and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and thanks to this the animals can go out freely.
    7.- We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    8.- The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses that are on our hands.
    9.-we must stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.
    10.- The one of staying at home.Because is very crucial to buy supplies.
    11.- The easiest thing is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.-People can make bad decisions and this can affect their health due to false information.
    13.- Avoid contact with people.
    14.- It is a virus that has caused many deaths but cause good efects to the enviroment.

    Aramel Segura Acosta IV "B"

  72. Before listening:
    1. It is a Microorganism that causes various diseases. Can be transmitted by contact between people or by air.
    2. It is a virus that causes respiratory disease, in severe cases it can cause pneumonia.
    3. There are seven types of coronaviruses.
    4. Affects people’s immune systems in such a way that they can contract the virus more easily
    While listening:
    1. The respiratory crisis.
    2. headache, fever and cough.
    3. In the áter city, China.
    4. For eating bats.
    5. Washing hands, staying home, wearing a mask and covering up when coughing or sneezing.
    6. That the environment is improving. Now you can see that the air is cleaner like rivers and there are animal sightings.
    7. You must drink a lot of áter, have to exercises, keep weight, control the stress level,blood pressure, sleep good and take preventive measures on infections.
    8. The soap destroys the virus due to its structure.
    9. El quedarse en casa, ya que de esta manera evitamos la propagación del virus.
    10. Staying at home, since people tend to go out mostly for their work, and touching their faces since this is an action that we normally do.
    11. Wash your hands.
    12. It makes people upset, causing them to start an act recklessly.
    13. Avoid contact with or keep distance from other people.
    14. I think this can be avoided if people take precautions like staying home.

    Lizbeth Ramírez Dueñas III “A”

  73. The answers of the given questionnaire:
    1. The most common symptoms of covid-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have pain, stuffy nose, rhinorrhea, sore throat, or diarrhea.
    2. The signs and symptoms can be:
    -sore throat -cough
    -fever -difficulty breathing
    3. In china, wuhan city
    4. Through physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing
    5. Wash your hands in every moment,use face mask to cough or sneeze,being at home.
    6. Makes us conscious people and thus be more supportive, also to learn to be more responsible. Also decreases global pollution.
    7. Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8. Soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.
    9. -The best way to take care of yourself in these times is having good hygiene and respecting quarantine. Especially if we go shopping, the best thing is to keep an adequate distance and avoid going out without a mask.
    10. Stay home as some don't obey.
    11. it is best to stay at home with your family and wash your hands very well.
    12. Makes people very desperate with false information.
    13. The measures we can take are:
    -Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    -When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with low defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing it, stay at home!

    1. It is a microorganism composed of genetic material protected by a protein envelope, which causes various diseases by entering a cell as a parasite to reproduce in it.
    2. It originated in China in December 2019 allegedly from the consumption of bat soup. Then it spread in Europe by international travel.
    3. There are 7 types of coronaviruses:
    4. In animals there is no contagion and there is no case about it, those who are most affected are people.

    1. The characteristics are fever, dizziness and shortness of breath.
    2. Symptoms are: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, chills, malaise, runny nose, and runny nose.
    3. Its origin is in China for the consumption of mucielago soup.
    4. From physical contact, cough, and sneezing.
    5. The measures that we have to take into account are personal cleanliness, staying at home and / or using a mask if we are sick, covering our mouths when we cough and / or sneeze.
    6. The positive side of this is due to the quarantine that has been carried out, thanks to this the environment has been able to improve over the days.
    7. In order to maintain my immune system, I must eat fruits, vegetables, lemon water and exercise.
    8. The soap removes the outer layer of the virus and can thus prevent bacteria from spreading throughout the body.
    9. The most important advice is to wash your hands to avoid infection.
    10. The hardest advice to follow is social isolation. Because there are people who are not aware of the situation and do not care about the consequences of leaving our homes.
    11. The easiest tip to follow is personal grooming.
    12. False information can make people more upset, and make them doubt the decisions they make to prevent the virus.
    13. Other measures to prevent the virus is to wash our clothes and disinfect the things we buy.
    14. My opinion is that this virus causes more concern and fear in the population and isolation will prevent contagion and, consequently, will prevent more deaths.

    1. It is poison or toxin. It is a biological entity that has the ability to self-replicate when using cellular machinery.
    2. I know that they are a wide family of viruses that can cause various conditions, from the common cold to serious respiratory infections.
    3. There are several, but only 7 affect people.
    4. Directly attacks the respiratory system causing death.
    1. He virus causes people to become respiratory crisis.
    2. – cough –fever –fatigue
    3. It is transmitted from an animal to a person, you continuously pass it to another person by that infected person and so on.
    4. The first time was that infected people had consumed a dangerous animal which is the bat
    5. Washing the hands
    Covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue or inside of elbow
    Using mask
    Staying home
    6. the air is cleaner
    -the river is cleaned
    -there are more animals
    - that we get closer to God
    7. Eat fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, drink plenty of water, vegetables, sleep adequate hours.
    8. Soap destrog the virus, a drop of soap diluted in water is enough to break and kill the viruses.
    9. Hand washing as this will allow us not to be infected
    10. The most difficult advice is to get out of our houses and have contact with people, since we miss our friends and neighbors to talk or greet
    11. The easiest advice I would give is to wash your hands and stay home.
    12. It affects a lot since often the person will think that what he is doing is right because he saw an account of false information if he realized it.
    13. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth with your hands without previously washing.
    Avoid greeting your peers with a handshake, a cheek kiss, and other forms of physical contact.
    If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, immediately go to your institution's topic. Don't self-medicate
    14. It would be that people must abide by what the government says to avoid a greater number of dead and infected
    Fatima Villegas Moreno IV “A”


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    - Microscopic infectious agent

    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    - It's a respiratory disease

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    - There are countless types of coronaviruses in bats and birds

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    -gives you symptoms of Covid-19

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    - It is a disease transmitted by air and by physical contact.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    -Sore throat, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    -In China-Wuhan.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    - With Physical Contact.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    -Wash your hands with soap and water.
    Do not touch your eyes, nose and face with dirty hands.
    Keep 1m away.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    - The positive side is that we can be the whole family together

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    - eat healthy and exercise

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    - The soap helps to remove the virus from the hands and then we will be more protected against the virus

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    - I consider staying home, washing my hands and avoiding contact with people who have symptoms

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    - None since there is only one simple rule: stay home!

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    - wash your hands often and avoid contact with other people

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    - False information causes panic in people

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    - wash hands with soap and water, bathe to avoid virus

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    - My opinion is to stay home and wash your hands to avoid spreading the virus since it has infected the majority of people in the world.
    Renato Fabrizio Flores Silva II°A

    Nombre: David Jesús Figueroa Rojas II”A”
    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    Viruses are practically made up of genetic material;
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It is a disease that travels by air, infecting others.
    3. How many types of coronaviruses are there?
    There is one.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It makes them feel like a common complaint, but this can kill.
    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the main characteristics of covid-19 when it enters your body?
    Cough, fever, shortness of breath.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Cough, fever, shortness of breath.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    In China.
    4. How were people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    They became infected with the contact of another person.
    5. What are the preventive measures to take into account?
    Wash your hands and wear a mask.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem that we face worldwide?
    What can be prevented
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Eat healthy and nutritious meals.
    8. How does soap work against the virus?
    Clean your hands and kill the virus.
    9. What advice do you consider most important to you? Why?
    Wash your hands to avoid becoming infected.
    10. What advice do you consider the most difficult to follow? Why?
    Wear masks.
    11. What is the easiest advice to follow that you can offer to anyone?
    Wash your hands well.
    12. How does false information on social networks about this virus affect people's decisions?
    It makes people afraid.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Cover your nose and mouth
    14. What is the opinion on the new coronavirus that is infected to people around the world these days?
    That we should be cautious.

  78. 1- yes, it Is a microorganim that causes different un human
    2_ Is a pandemic that Is killing many people
    3_ there aré 7 types of corona virus
    4_ afortunately in animals Is ok but humams aré dying
    1_ it is a disease that Is transmitted by physical contact
    2- the symptoms are
    _ sore throar
    _ cough
    _ fever
    3_ in China . Wuhan city
    4_ this virus comes from a bat . That was eaten by one person
    5 _ washing hands with soap and Water , cover your nosé and mouth AND stay at home
    6 _ the Air Is cleaner AND the River AND ocean too
    7_ eat fruit, drink a Lot of Water , do exercises AND sleep well
    8_ the soap destroys the bacteries
    9_ we must stay at home AND wash our hands
    10_ it would be very difficul to stay at home becouse we miss our friends AND school
    11_ wash your hand very well
    12_ a false información causes panic in the people
    13_ wash our clothes AND desinfect the fruits we eat AND buy
    14_ I think people have to obey the rules gobernment AND keep calm
    Bruno Bravo

      1. Do you know what a virus is?
      It is a small particle that when united with a cell reproduces
      2. What do you know about Covid-19?
      • It is a virus that was born in Wuhan
      • It is a pandemic
      • It is spread when you have contact with other people who have it
      • That dogs and cats do not infect it
      • infectious disease
      • Prevention by washing hands with soap and water
      • Disinfect your hands with alcohol gel
      • Covering the nose, mouth when coughing with a tissue or the inside of the elbow
      1. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
      Currently seven types of coronavirus are known to infect humans, four of them (HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1) are very common and some of them are present in the common cold.

      2. How does it affect living creatures?
      affects more seniors and people more prone, that is, those with respiratory diseases and obesity problems
      1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
      sore throat body discomfort between cold or flu symptoms
      2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
      • sore throat
      • cough
      • fever
      • difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
      3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
      • it started in wuhan
      4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
      • The virus that causes COVID-19 is likely caused by an animal source but now it's spreading from person to person.

      5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
      • washing the hands
      • covering up when sneezing
      • Keep a distance between you and other people if the COVID-19 Avoid close contact with people who are sick
      6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
      • that the environmental contamination has decreased and now more fauna is noticed
      7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
      • eat well to have good hemoglobin
      8. How soap works against the virus?
      • Soaps and disinfectant gels have different mechanisms of action to kill viruses, bacteria or fungi
      9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
      • keep distance from people because this way we will prevent this disease from spreading
      10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
      • listen to the authorities and stay at home
      11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
      • stay in their houses
      12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
      •the means by which people today are more informed are social networks and misinformation confuses them
      13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
      • good hygiene
      put on masks
      be at a distance of two meters with people
      wear disposable gloves
      14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
      • just stay in our houses to avoid more infections and take care of the elderly, bone our grandparents because they are the most likely

    1. It is a microscopic and acellular parasitic agent, that is, it is much smaller than visible and it is not made up of cells.
    2. A new respiratory virus that started in Wuhan, China, has spread to more than one hundred countries in Asia, Europe, America, Africa, and the Middle East. More than 125,200 people have been infected.
    3. There are 7 types of coronaviruses:
    4. Affects them with respiratory problems and body pain.
    1. Affects them with respiratory problems and body pain.
    2. Sore throat, fever, cough, and breathing problems (in severe cases)
    3. In Wuhan, China.
    4. By physical contact and by eating a poorly cooked bat.
    5. Wear a mask, wash your hands well, do not have much physical contact, etc.
    6. That we are all reunited with our families.
    7. Have a good diet, drink 2 liters of water daily, do not consume many fats, etc.
    8. The soap molecules cause it to dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.
    9. Wash my hands well, because it is the simplest and most complex way to avoid contagion.
    10. None because they are all easy to do.
    11. Wash your hands well, as it is the safest way to be protected.
    12. It affects through rumors and causes people to make wrong decisions.
    13. Not to share our personal objects, disinfecting the clothes that we use to go to the street, etc.
    14. That if we all do our part and obey the rules of the authorities, we can beat this virus.
    Alvaro Bernabe IV “A”

    1. It is poison or toxin. It is a biological entity that has the ability to self-replicate when using cellular machinery.
    2. I know that they are a wide family of viruses that can cause various conditions, from the common cold to serious respiratory infections.
    3. There are several, but only 7 affect people.
    4. Directly attacks the respiratory system causing death.
    1. He virus causes people to become respiratory crisis.
    2. – cough –fever –fatigue
    3. It is transmitted from an animal to a person, you continuously pass it to another person by that infected person and so on.
    4. The first time was that infected people had consumed a dangerous animal which is the bat
    5. Washing the hands
    Covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue or inside of elbow
    Using mask
    Staying home
    6. the air is cleaner
    -the river is cleaned
    -there are more animals
    - that we get closer to God
    7. Eat fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, drink plenty of water, vegetables, sleep adequate hours.
    8. Soap destrog the virus, a drop of soap diluted in water is enough to break and kill the viruses.
    9. Hand washing as this will allow us not to be infected
    10. The most difficult advice is to get out of our houses and have contact with people, since we miss our friends and neighbors to talk or greet
    11. The easiest advice I would give is to wash your hands and stay home.
    12. It affects a lot since often the person will think that what he is doing is right because he saw an account of false information if he realized it.
    13. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth with your hands without previously washing.
    Avoid greeting your peers with a handshake, a cheek kiss, and other forms of physical contact.
    If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, immediately go to your institution's topic. Don't self-medicate
    14. It would be that people must abide by what the government says to avoid a greater number of dead and infected

  81. 1. Microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. The most common symptoms are cough, fever, throat, etc.
    3. In China, Wuhan City
    4. A viruses found in bats. It is not clear if the virus had been circulating previously or if Wuhan is the place of origin of the pandemic or only the place where it was first identified.

    1. Cough, fever, shortness of breath.
    2. I know that they are a wide family of viruses that can cause various conditions, from the common cold to serious respiratory infections.
    3. It's transmited from an animal to a person, and after when the person is infected it is transmited from a person to another person.
    4. The Covid-19 that emerged in Wuhan, China, appears to be transmitted between humans by the drops released when people cough or sneeze. The virus can survive for a short time outside the body, so the sender and receiver must be relatively close for infection to occur.
    5. Clean our hands frequently, avoid close contact, avoid touching your face with your hands without washing, covering your mouth when you cough and sneeze and especially staying home.
    6. The positive side of everything that is happening is that pollution is decreasing.
    7. Be on a diet highly of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, control our stress level, also control blood pressure, sleep well and take preventive measures on hygiene.
    Be on a diet highly of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, control our stress level, also control blood pressure, sleep well and take preventive measures on hygiene.
    8. The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses when we wash our hands.
    9. wash your hands and cover yourself when sneezing, as this prevents the spread of the virus
    10. I consider that the most difficult to follow a position is to touch the face because everyone has the habit of toaching the face.
    11. Hand washing, since more than the majority of the population has soap and water.
    Hand washing, since more than the majority of the population has soap and water.
    12. putting false information on the networks causes despair in people.
    13. Wash my hands every 20 seconds and stay home.
    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with legal defenses quickly, this disease is a pandemic. What Peru and everyone is facing is staying home. But on the other hand, this has helped to reduce pollution totally worldwide.


    1. It is a microscopic and acellular parasitic agent, that is, it is much smaller than visible and it is not made up of cells.
    2. Symptoms are: high fever, muscle pain and dry cough.
    3. The covid-19 originated from China-Wuhan.
    4. Trought physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing.
    5. Wear a mask, wash your hands well, do not have much physical contact, etc.
    6. That we are all reunited with our families.
    7. Eat healthy with vegetables, liver and healthy things
    8. The soap helps to kill the virus since it has some chemicals that help to eliminate it
    9. Do not leave home because they can infect you and you infect others.
    10. Staying home because we cannot make the necessary purchases.
    11. Wash your hands because it is something we all do.
    12. It affects us in the way that people panic, and this leads them to over-buy food in supermarkets.
    13. Avoid meetings and contact with other foreign people, because that way we can prevent it.
    14. That it is very good that the president has put Peru in quarantine, because this way we can avoid the spread of COVID-19.

    Eduardo Iwanaga Loje IV "A"

    1.-A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2.- It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    3.- There are 7 diferent types.
    4. Fortunately in animals there is no contagion but in humans if.
    1.-The virus manifests itself causing sneezing and coughing.
    2.- At the beginning it produces a cough, flu, etc. Then it attacks the entire respiratory system more strongly.
    3. It was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
    4. They became infected by eating a bat.
    5. Preventive measures are: wash your hands and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    6. The positive side of everything that is happening is that pollution is decreasing.
    7. What we must do to maintain it is having a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, doing physical activities and sleeping well.
    8. It works in such a way that soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to adhere to and infect other cells.
    9.We must stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.

    10. The positive side is that in quarantine the contamination has decreased and the planet is better off with bluer skies and cleaner seas.
    11. Eat enough foods with vitamins C and many more others.
    12. It makes them more paranoid and scares them by taking unnecessary steps.
    13. To wash your hands constantly.
    14.It is a virus that has caused many deaths but cause good efects to the enviroment.

    1.-A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2.- It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    3.- There are 7 diferent types.
    4. Fortunately in animals there is no contagion but in humans if.
    1.-The virus manifests itself causing sneezing and coughing.
    2.- At the beginning it produces a cough, flu, etc. Then it attacks the entire respiratory system more strongly.
    3. It was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
    4. They became infected by eating a bat.
    5. Preventive measures are: wash your hands and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    6. The positive side of everything that is happening is that pollution is decreasing.
    7. What we must do to maintain it is having a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, doing physical activities and sleeping well.
    8. It works in such a way that soap molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to adhere to and infect other cells.
    9.We must stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.

    10. The positive side is that in quarantine the contamination has decreased and the planet is better off with bluer skies and cleaner seas.
    11. Eat enough foods with vitamins C and many more others.
    12. It makes them more paranoid and scares them by taking unnecessary steps.
    13. To wash your hands constantly.
    14.It is a virus that has caused many deaths but cause good efects to the enviroment.



    1.Yes, I know.
    2.Infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date.
    3.There are 7 types of coronavirus that affect humans: hcov-229E, hcov-OC43, hcov-NL63, hcov-HKU1, SARS-cov, MERS-cov, SARS-cov-2.
    4. It affects causing us death.

    1.The main feature is the respiratory crisis.
    2.The symptoms are: sore throat, cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
    3.It originated from Wuhan city in China.
    4.These people were in contact with the virus, being infected they spread to others.
    5. We must wash our hands frequently and stay at home maintaining social distance.
    6.It makes us conscious and responsible people, it also reduces environmental pollution and global warming.
    7. Maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise, maintain our proper weight and sleep the correct hours.
    8.Soap kills bacteria therefore kills the virus.
    9. Stay at home because this way we break the virus chain.
    10.It is very difficult to maintain a minimum distance of two meters between each person.
    11. Wash your hands frequently so that the virus is removed.
    12. Lead people to wrong actions that contribute to the spread of the virus.
    13. Disinfect objects with water and bleach, shower daily and cover ourselves when coughing.
    14. If we want to face this situation we all must contribute and support. I also believe this benefits the earth as it is taking a breather from so much human-caused pollution.

    1.Contracts through physical contact and through air.
    2.The main symptoms are:
    -high fever
     -dry cough.
    3.Was first found in Wuhan city.
    4.At a seafood market in Wuhan city.
    5.Wash your hands for at least twenty seconds and when coughing use your hands or a disposable tissue.
    6.That pollution has decreased worldwide.
    7.Have a good diet.
    8.Eliminate the bacteria that we have on our hands.
    9.Wash your hands for at least twenty seconds.
    10.Wash your hands for at least twenty seconds, since most of us forget.
    11.Do not expose yourself in an environment where there are too many people.
    12.Alerts people with wrong information.
    13.Disinfect your hands with alcohol after using an object.
    14.Let us not be alert and calm and follow the suggested recommendations.
    Sebastian Velasquez IV B

    1. A virus is a microorganism that causes various diseases.
    2. Covid-19 is a virus and it has produced millions of deaths.
    3. There are 7 coronavirus.
    4. It affects the respiratory system.

    1. The principal characteristics of covid-19 is a respiratory virus. It affects respiratory crisis, high fever, cough and difficult to breathe. It goes into your body when it’s transmitted from an animal to a person and this person infected can transmit it to another person.

    2. The symptoms you have if you are infected are high fever, cough and difficult to breathe.

    3. The origin of Covid-19 was in Wuhan-China.

    4. People infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time occurred when one of them ate a bat and this animal was infected. It was transmitted and produced a lot of deaths.

    5. The preventive measures you have to take into account are washing your hands, wearing a facemask and covering up when you sneeze.

    6. The positive side of this problem we are facing around the world is our environment because the air and rivers are cleaned than before, there are more animals. That’s means, our environment restart.

    7. What I can do to keep my immune system strong is a lot of activities such as eat fruits, drink a lot of water, do exercises frequently, if I practiced a sport, it maintains me in healthy way. Also, control my stress and my blood pressure, get enough sleep at least 8 hours.

    8. Soap destroys the virus.

    9. The most important advice is staying at home because it prevents the future contagions.

    10. I consider the hardest advice to follow is staying at home because I can’t go out with friends neither family.

    11. The easiest piece of advice to follow is washing my hands frequently, because it’s part of or personal hygiene and everybody do it.

    12. The false information in networking about this virus produces panic, horror and fear in people’s decisions.

    13. Other hygiene measures to prevent the virus is disinfecting some things with alcohol.

    14. The new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days is the worst thing that the Earth are happening because there are a lot of deaths, this virus has changed people’s routine and some families don’t have enough food for survive.

    Fabrizzio Espinoza Genovez IV A

  88. 1. Microorganism composed of genetic material protected by a protein envelope, which causes various diseases by entering a cell as a parasite to reproduce in it.
    2. Can cause illnesses like the common cold, severe acute respiratory síndrome.
    3. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that was discovered in the 1960s but whose origin is still unknown. Its different types cause different diseases, from a cold to a severe respiratory síndrome.
    4. Because one person got the virus and transmited it to another person forming a chain.
    While listening:
    5. A main characteristics is a respiratory crisis.
    6. It's a viral disease that attacks the human causing various symptoms.
    7. It had its origin in the city of Wuhan, in China.
    8. There they became infected by physical contact and by breathing.
    9. Preventive measures are: wash your hands when you sneeze or cough, and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    10. The positive side is that now we are in our houses the environment is improving there is not much garbage, the factories do not emit smoke and there are not many vehicles circulating.
    11. We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    12. The soap destroys the virus because it has a structure that kills bacteria.
    13. Wash your hands and cover yourself when sneezing, as this prevents the spread of the virus.
    14. The positive side is that in quarantine the contamination has decreased and the planet is better off with bluer skies and cleaner seas.
    15. The one of always washing our hands with soap, although some do not, but we must fulfill it.
    16. Because it makes people know and don't obey or it just instills fear.
    17. To wash your hands constantly.
    18. It would be that people must abide by what the government says to avoid a greater number of dead and infected.

    1.Viruses are too small to be seen with a light microscope staff.
    2.it's a lethal virus.
    3.there are two although it is said that they are more.
    4.affect them by damaging their immune system.

    While listening:
    1.Cough. Sore throat.
    2.Cough. Sore throat. Fever. Difficulty breathing.
    3.Wuhan city (China)
    4.by contact between people.
    5.wash hands, wear face mask, stay home.
    6.the decrease of co2 in the world.
    7.reduction of environmental pollution in the world.
    8.removes the bacteria impregnated on our hands, cleans it
    9.maintain hygiene and stay home.
    10.staying at home, because it has completely eliminated customs of life.
    11.stay home and wash your hands, because it is the most important and basic thing to avoid getting.
    12.affects in several ways, since an uninformed person can take it seriously and create fear and panic.
    13.disinfect hands, wear a mask whenever we go outside.
    14.it is a virus that shows us that we are not prepared for a pandemic, but it is in our hands to avoid contagion between us.

    Eduardo Alberto Sagastegui Carranza VI “A”

  90. 1. Viruses are a type of germ. They're very tiny, and when they get inside your body, they can make you sick.
    2. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
    3. There are seven
    4. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.

    While listening
    1. The principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body is that it can cause respiratory crisis.
    2. the symptoms you have if you are infected are fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
    3. Covid 19 was produced in Wuhan (China).
    4. The first person infected received the virus from an animal.
    5. You have to wash your hands, stay home, wear a facemask and cover coughs and sneezes.
    6. A positive impact on the environment. You can see the air is cleaner, the rivers are being cleaner and there are many animals.
    7. You have to eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. You must drink a lot of water. You have to exercise. You have to control your stress and block presion. You have to sleep.
    8. If someone is sick, a hand can touch some mucus and viral particles will stick to the hand. If someone is well can pick up droplets that contain the virus That’s why very important wash your hands.
    9. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus, so the most important for me is stay in house and wash my hands constantly.
    10. I think the hardest to follow is stay in house because we need buy for the lunch and dinner, also there are people who live from daily work.
    11. The easiest piece of advice to follow is wash your hands, because it’s easy.
    12. It causes fear and people go crazy.
    13. Avoid close contact is very important, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
    14. Covid 19 is a newly identified type of virus. It’s completely new to humans so the people are scared for it. Also this virus is very contagious and that’s why is more difficult to learn how it spreads and even more to find out the cure.
    Maricielo Dulce García IV "B"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It is a deadly contagious virus.
    3. How many types of coronaviruses are there?
    There are seven types
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It affects the respiratory system and can cause death.


    1. What are the main characteristics of covid-19 when it enters your body?
    Respiratory insufficiency
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Sore throat, fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, runny nose
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    Wuhuan, China
    4. How were people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    For the consumption of bats
    5. What are the preventive measures to take into account?
    Wash your hands every 15 minutes, do not leave the house and wear a mask and gloves
    6. What is the positive side of this problem that we face worldwide?
    It teaches us to reflect on the evil we were doing to the planet and animals, and to be more supportive
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Consume fruits and vegetables that have vitamin C and drink plenty of water
    8. How does soap work against the virus?
    The soap helps that the virus does not stay in our hands.
    9. What advice do you consider most important to you? Why?
    The most important is not to leave the house because this way we avoid infecting and infecting ourselves.
    10. What advice do you consider the most difficult to follow? Why?
    Staying away from people because we are used to always being in contact with them
    11. What is the easiest advice to follow that you can offer to anyone?
    Constantly wash hands
    12. How does false information on social networks about this virus affect people's decisions?
    It gives more panic and alarm to people
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    - Cover your forearm when coughing or sneezing
    - Stay away from people with colds
    - Disinfect with alcohol gel
    - Bathing constantly
    14. What is the opinion on the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world these days?
    I think that we should follow the rules given by our president, stay at home in complete isolation so we will avoid having more people infected.

    Fernando Gonzales Velasquez 4 "C"

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    A virus is an infectious agent that is at the limit of what we consider a living organism. It’s a particle much smaller than a bacterial cell and consists of a small DNA or RNA genome surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses enter host cells and sequester enzymes and materials from host cells to produce more copies of themselves. Viruses cause a wide variety of plant and animal diseases, including AIDS, measles, smallpox, and polio.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It's a very contagious, dangerous and deadly virus. It mainly affects people over 60 years old, people with low defenses and respiratory problems. Attacks the respiratory system. Originated in China.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are 7 kinds of this virus, but the most lethal are MERS-Cov, SARS-Cov, COVID-19.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It attacks our respiratory system and progressively cold symptoms become more complex in fatal pneumonia.
    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.
    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    It doesn't present symptoms immediately, but when it does, it makes us feel tired, with fiber and cough. Starting it's like a cold and then becomes more complex, being deadly.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    The signs and symptoms can be:
    • sore throat
    • cough
    • fever
    • difficulty breathing (in severe cases).
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    It originated from Wuhan, China.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    Although it isn't yet known for sure which animal is the bearer of the coronavirus outbreak, all eyes are on the bat.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Preventive measures are frequent hand washing, staying home, wearing a mask, covering up when coughing or sneezing, using latex gloves and keeping the social distance (at least 2 meters between each person).
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    Nature is being released, carbon dioxide pollution is much less now, it's polluting less and that is good for all living creatures.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Eat or drink sustenance rich in vitamin c. Follow a balanced diet.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    Kills the bacteria and keeps your hands clean.
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    Staying home, it’s the best way to keep safe our health.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    Keeping the social distance, I like to hang out with my friends and now that’s impossible because of the quarantine.
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Wear masks, if infected people wear face masks, healthy and at-risk people will be safe.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    People may not give it the importance it deserves and thus makes things worse for us.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Disinfect everything we buy at supermarkets, like food, when we get home.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    Covid-19 is a lethal virus, we must prevent possible infections for the health system not collapse and save the lives of elderly people and people with complications that can be fatal.
    Antonella Jurado Muñoz IV "B"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    Yes, I know what a virus is.

    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It’s a very contagious virus that can cause death.

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    There are seven types of coronavirus.

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It can cause us death.


    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    The main feature is the respiratory crisis.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    It’s fever, shortness of breath and dry cough.

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    Wuhan, China.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    The people became infected from eating bats.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    The preventive measures are to constantly wash your hands, be at home and wearing face masks.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The positive side is that the air is clean, the rivers are clean, the environments are being restored.

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    I can have a diet based on fruits and vegetables, I have to drink a lot of water and I have to do exercises. I have to control the pressure; I have to sleep well.

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    the soap destroys the virus.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    The most important advice is not to touch my face with my hands.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    It is keeping distance from people because you are often in contact.

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    The easiest advice is not to leave home and constantly wash your hands

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    The false information alarms people and causes them to panic.

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    -Wash your hands often.
    -Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    -Bathing often.
    -cover up when coughing or sneezing
    14. What is your opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    I think that we should respect the protocols given by the governments since this way we can avoid that more people get infected.

    Gerardo Marcelo 3 "A"

  94. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1: A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2: It is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date.
    3: There are eleven types of coronavirus.
    4: Affects the respiratory system and the immune system.


    1: It is a heavy virus that does not flow in the air but falls within a meter.
    2: The characteristics are:
    -Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
    -Chills and
    general discomfort.
    -Secretion and runny nose.
    3: In China Wuhan.
    4: We still do not know how the first patient was infected. The original hypothesis refers to the fact that the virus jumped from an animal to humans in the wuhan market but this has not been proven.
    5: Lick your hands for 20 minutes and meet social isolation.
    6: We have time to be with family, think more about the planet and do things as a family that we couldn't do.
    7: Eating properly, eating fruits that provide vitamin C, strengthen our immune system to prevent disease and maintain hygiene properly.
    8: Eliminate the virus and protect us for a few minutes.
    9: Do not leave the house while in social isolation, because it prevents mass contagion.
    10: Lick your hands for 20 minutes
    11: The easiest tip is to permanently wash your hands.
    12: Because it causes panic and people cannot make decisions
    People desperately buy toilet paper.
    13: Disinfect the environments of your house, feed well and keep a meter away from other people when you have to go out. Leave shoes at the door, change clothes and bathe..
    14: It is a very dangerous highly dangerous virus for which no country is prepared.


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?

    Which is a global pandemic, which is leaving many deaths and many economic problems

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?

    1,065 cases in Peru

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    This virus manifests with flu-like symptoms but stronger.

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may experience pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and appear gradually.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Cough,sore throat, fever y shortness of breath.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    Research points to the Seafood Market in this Chinese city as the place where the COVID-19 pandemic virus emerged. See what it looks like after Wuhan's slow reopening after two months in quarantine.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?

    At a seafood market they point

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Wash your hands, when you cough cover your forearm.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The planet's environment is taking a breather and is reestablishing animal and plant life.

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    The practice of regular exercise of physical exercise and having a healthy and balanced diet are two measures that can be adopted and that positively affect the immune system, an increase in vitamin D and Omega 3 acids, which, he says, have a positive impact.

    8. How soap works against the virus?

    Its molecules can dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?

    Constantly washing your hands is one of the most important tips for me and the easiest as well.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?

    The quarantine that the government is doing, since people are used to transit freely and without restrictions.

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?

    Wash your hands and don't leave your house.

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    They get carried away by the erroneous information of misunderstood people.

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Clean with chlorine your home and the foods that we are going to consume

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    That it is a very powerful virus that is leaving quite a lot dead, it is a global pandemic that is not only taking lives but is affecting economically and socially.



    1. Microorganism composed of genetic material causes various diseases introducing itself as a parasite in a cell.

    2.It is a disease caused by a very dangerous virus, caising many death woldwide(pandemis)

    3. I know about six kinds.

    4. killing many peoples.


    1. Body ache, head ache, sore throat.
    2. Lost of taste and smell
    A lot of fever, cough, etc
    3. The origin was in Wuhan (China)
    4. People with pneumonia working in the wuhan seafod market.
    5. Wash the hands, cover your mouth when coughing, physical distance between people and the use of masks.
    6. Cleaning our surrounding and about body.
    7. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C.
    8. Destroy the lipidic cap of the virus.
    9. Don´t go out home and use masks, because we prevent the contagious.
    10. Keep out of the people to one meter of distance because to avoid the contagious.
    11. Wash the hands.
    12. Make a psico - social in the community.
    13. Clean the house and objects with bleach.
    14. Is very dangerous and resistant.


    1. Yes, I know.
    2. It is a very contagious virus that can cause death.
    3. There are seven types of coronaviruses.
    4. It can cause death.
    1. The characteristic is respiratory crisis.
    2. Its fever, shortness of breath and dry cough.
    3. It was originated in Wuhan city in China.
    4. They became infected from one person to another by respiratory route through small drops that are emitted when speaking, sneezing and coughing.
    5. The preventive measures are to constantly wash your hands, be at home and wearing face masks.
    6. The positive side is that the air is clean, the rivers are clean, the environments are being restored.
    7. You can have a diet based on fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water and exercise and sleep well.
    8. The soap kills the virus.
    9. The most important advice is avoiding people who are sick because they can have the virus and you can get sick.
    10. It is keeping distance from people because you are often in contact.
    10. The easiest advice is not to leave home and constantly wash your hands.
    11. The false information alarms people and causes them to panic and spread the virus.
    12. Wash your hands often, avoid contact with people, use a mask , cover up by coughing or sneezing.
    14. I think all of us must collaborate with all preventive measures to able to reduce the speed of the virus.
    Emily Marcelo Yamauchi 1 B

    1. A virus is a microorganism that is capable of reproducing and causing derived diseases.
    2. It is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus and is transmitted by physical contact.
    3. There are seven types of coronavirus: HCoV-229E, HCoV NL63, HCoV-HKU1, HCoV-OC43, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 2019.
    4. It causes them breathing problems and they can progress, get worse and die.
    1. The characteristics are fevers, difficulties in breathing and cough.
    2. You feel tired, with respiratory crisis, fever and sore throats.
    3. Was in Wuhan-China.
    4. They were infected by consuming bat soup and then they were infected by nearby people.
    5. Staying at home, if they go out, wear protection such as gloves and masks.
    6. The positive side is that since we are all isolated and at home, nature and our ecosystem is returning to what it was before, cleaner, more alive, since there is no contamination by humans.
    7. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water, and eat protein-rich foods.
    8. The soap helps to remove some residues that may remain on the hands of people who have sneezed or coughed, the soap helps prevent being infected.
    9. That of being very neat, being careful with everything around us, disinfecting the utensils that we usually use.
    10. Although there are people who do not usually obey the authorities, the most difficult for them would be to stay at home.
    11. That they begin to take care of not only them, but their family, avoiding going out, only if necessary or an emergency, thus saving many lives.
    12. False information causes despair or emotional instability, since seeing the increase in deaths in our country that are often not confirmed.
    13. Each use their cleaning utensils, at meal times and when entering the house after having been exposed on the street without touching family members or any physical contact, simply wash up before everything.
    14. I believe that this is so that many people become aware, the authorities do not compel us to do something because it is, but because it is necessary, since protecting many people, it is also to realize that we are not prepared and that we despair many times and This can cause a lot of instability, so it is important that we take care of ourselves and stay in our homes.


    1. Yes, it is a microorganism that enters our body, negatively affecting our performance.
    2. Currently, the sea has expanded to a global level, becoming a pandemic. It is a respiratory disease.
    3. There are seven types.
    4. It is more harmful to the elderly. It is a respiratory disease.

    1. It causes respiratory crisis.
    2. Symptoms are sore throat, cough, fever, shortness of breath
    3. Covid 19 was produced in Wuhan, China.
    4. It is presumed that it was transmitted by an animal.
    5. Keep a moderate distance with one or more people, wash your hands continuously.
    6. The positive side is that nature is recovering, there is not much pollution anymore.
    7. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables must be maintained. Continuously drink water.
    8. It is important to wash our hands since the virus does not remain in contact with our body.
    9. Do not come into contact with other people and wash my hands.
    10. Stay home, because we are not used to isolation.
    11. Wash your hands.
    12. It causes terror and despair.
    13. Every time we go out on the streets, wear masks. When we get home to bathe.
    14. It is something unknown to scientists, which causes us terror since we do not know how to handle it. Above all, we must remain calm.


    Ramos Usquiano
    3° Secundaria A
    1. A virus is an infectious microorganism that causes disease.
    2. Covid 19 is a virus originated in china and which produced a pandemic, also causes respiratory diseases.
    3. There are seven known types of coronaviruses that can affect us.
    4. It produces flu-like symptoms at first, and is complicated by respiratory distress.

    a) Fever
    b) Caugh
    c) Shortness of difficult braething
    3. The virus that causes COVID-19 probably emerged from an
    animal source, but is now spreading from person to person.
    4. COVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, a city in China, in December 2019. Although health officials are still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early hypotheses thought it may be linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Some people who visited the market developed viral pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus.
    a) Washing your hands
    b) Being at home
    c) Maintain at least 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
    6. The earth is cleaner, the rivers are been cleaned, the over population is been minimized.
    A) Diet hight in fruit and vegetables.
    b) Drink a lot of water.
    c) You should practice different sports.
    d) Sleep eight hours.
    e) Control vital functions such as blood pressure.
    8. Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls.
    9. The most important for me is wash your handas with soap, because it’s highly efficient way of killing the virus when it’s on your skin.
    10. Being at home, because I prefer go out with my family and friends.
    11. Wash your hand is the easiest piece of advice.
    12. Fake news creates a panic in the population.
    13. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow.
    14. Covid 19 must be overcome with the help of the entire population following the prevention measures. In addition, the consumption of exotic animals in countries like China should be controlled.

  102. 1.It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact.
    2.The symptoms of COVID-19 are: fever, dry cough, body ache, nasal congestion.
    3.COVID-19 originated in China, in the city of Wuhan.
    4.It is transmitted by the contact of respiratory droplets of people infected with COVID-19.
    5.The ways to avoid COVID-19 are: wash your hands frequently with soap and water, keep a distance of 1 m between people, do not touch your eyes or face.
    6.Thanks to COVID-19 contamination has been reduced.
    7.Eating nutritious food, strengthening the immune system.
    8.The soap prevents it from remaining on our skin, preventing contagion.
    9.Handwashing is the universal basis of hygiene, avoiding infections.
    10.Stay home, because some people cannot stay in one place for a long time.
    11.Maintain a 1m distance between people and the use of masks.
    12.False information on social networks causes panic in people and worsens the situation.
    13.Clean the house frequently.
    14.I think that people are acting irresponsibly, as they ignore social isolation orders, staying at home helps to save time and reduce pressure on health systems.

    Gabriel Siancas Zevallos II"B"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    - Microscopic infectious agent

    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    - It's a respiratory disease

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    - There are countless types of coronaviruses in bats and birds

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    -gives you symptoms of Covid-19

    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    - It is a disease transmitted by air and by physical contact.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    -Sore throat, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    -In China-Wuhan.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    - With Physical Contact.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    -Wash your hands with soap and water.
    Do not touch your eyes, nose and face with dirty hands.
    Keep 1m away.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    - The positive side is that we can be the whole family together

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    - eat healthy and exercise

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    - The soap helps to remove the virus from the hands and then we will be more protected against the virus

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    - I consider staying home, washing my hands and avoiding contact with people who have symptoms

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    - None since there is only one simple rule: stay home!

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    - wash your hands often and avoid contact with other people

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    - False information causes panic in people

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    - wash hands with soap and water, bathe to avoid virus

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    - My opinion is to stay home and wash your hands to avoid spreading the virus since it has infected the majority of people in the world.
    Renato Fabrizio Flores Silva II°A

  104. 1.-It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact
    2.-The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Breathing difficulty.
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong Cough
    3.-The (COVID-19) originated from the country of China-Wuhan
    4.-People in Wuhan-China were infected by:
    Physical Contact and
    5. - The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
    Keep 1m distance between people.
    Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands, etc.
    6.- Devido to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    7.- What we can do is eat nutritious food that strengthens our immune system and does not affect this virus.
    8.- The soap prevents it from getting onto our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion.
    9.- The most important piece of advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus that we have on our hands when we return from the streets or touch an animal.
    10.- The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to play in the streets or drink alcoholic drinks in a state of emergency and that for me is the most difficult advice.

    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12.- False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.

    Franco Galvez Carranza IIºB

    Her name is Ariana Grande. She was born in Florida. Her nationality is from the United States.

  106. 1. Viruses are a type of germ. They're very tiny, and when they get inside your body, they can make you sick.
    2. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
    3. There are seven
    4. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.

    While listening
    1. The principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body is that it can cause respiratory crisis.
    2. the symptoms you have if you are infected are fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
    3. Covid 19 was produced in Wuhan (China).
    4. The first person infected received the virus from an animal.
    5. You have to wash your hands, stay home, wear a facemask and cover coughs and sneezes.
    6. A positive impact on the environment. You can see the air is cleaner, the rivers are being cleaner and there are many animals.
    7. You have to eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. You must drink a lot of water. You have to exercise. You have to control your stress and block presion. You have to sleep.
    8. If someone is sick, a hand can touch some mucus and viral particles will stick to the hand. If someone is well can pick up droplets that contain the virus That’s why very important wash your hands.
    9. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus, so the most important for me is stay in house and wash my hands constantly.
    10. I think the hardest to follow is stay in house because we need buy for the lunch and dinner, also there are people who live from daily work.
    11. The easiest piece of advice to follow is wash your hands, because it’s easy.
    12. It causes fear and people go crazy.
    13. Avoid close contact is very important, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
    14. Covid 19 is a newly identified type of virus. It’s completely new to humans so the people are scared for it. Also this virus is very contagious and that’s why is more difficult to learn how it spreads and even more to find out the cure.

  107. https://xwidyminecraft.wixsite.com/website
    Albert: Como estas Walker?
    Alan Walker: Bien y tu?
    Albert: Aca escuchando tu musica, ta chevere.
    Alan Walker: Si yo primero pienso como se sentiría la gente con mi musica y la ago :) .
    Albert: ahhh ok te me cuidas
    Alan Walker: Uk...

  108. His name is Robert Downey Jr. He was born in New York. Her nationality is from the United States

  109. Tarea de Jairo Jara

    Before listening

    1.Microscopic infectius agent.

    2.It's a respiratory disease and symptoms are:
    High fever
    Muscle pain
    Difficulty brearthing

    3.The(COVID-19) originaret from the country China-Wuhan

    4.The people infected with psysical contact

    While listening

    1. The caracteristics is a high fever a cough

    2. The signs and symptoms can be:
    sore throat
    difficulty breathing (in severe cases)

    3. In China-Wuhan

    4. COVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, a city in China, in December 2019. Although health officials are still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early hypotheses thought it may be linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Some people who visited the market developed viral pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus.

    5.The preventive measures are:
    STAY at home as much as possible
    KEEP social distancing
    Wash your hands frequently
    Coughing, covering your elbow
    CALL if you have symptoms

    6.The positive side that we can see is that by isolating ourselves we can spend more time with our beings and reflect on what happened.

    7.To protect our immune system the best thing we can do is eat fruits and vegetables

    8.Destroy the lipidic cap of the virus.

    9.The advice that is more important for me to wash my hands Because with it we can be clean without any virus

    10.First most difficult advice to continue studying isolate my house I can hardly see my friends and have fun with them

    11.The easiest advice I can offer to keep you is to wash your hands and don't leave your houses as much as possible

    12.False information can give false remedies and that is why it can be passed can create more patients

    13.Another measure that we can take is when we leave the house we make a mask or green calvel from Sony we take a good bath

    14.My opinion about the coronavirus is that it is a virus that is killing many people who govern this. Come for it, most of them are the true, true, the only good thing that is found, which is helping us to make our family more accessible than spending more time. gone with them

    Tarea de la conversacion
    He name is Will Smith. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    He nationality is from the Unites States

  110. Conversation with my favorite actor

    Renato: Good afternoon Robert, you are my favorite actor.
    What is your full name?
    Robert: Good afternoon friend, my name is Robert John Downey Jr.
    Renato: Where are you from?
    Robert: I’m from United States.
    Renato: it means…
    Are you American?
    Robert: Oh yes of course
    Renato: thank you for the interview Robert
    Robert: your welcome dear friend. Nice to meet you
    Renato: Nice to meet you too
    Renato Fabrizio Flores Silva II”A”

  111. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  112. 1.-It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact
    2.-The symptoms of (COVID-19) are:
    Breathing difficulty.
    High fever.
    Muscle pain.
    Strong Cough
    3.-The (COVID-19) originated from the country of China-Wuhan
    4.-People in Wuhan-China were infected by:
    Physical Contact and
    5. - The ways to avoid (COVID-19) are:
    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
    Keep 1m distance between people.
    Do not touch your eyes or face with dirty hands, etc.
    6.- Devido to (COVID-19)
    nature has been regenerating, that is:
    Pollution has reduced worldwide.
    There are a large number of fish on the seashore that feed the different types of spring birds.
    7.- What we can do is eat nutritious food that strengthens our immune system and does not affect this virus.
    8.- The soap prevents it from getting onto our skin, preventing the spread of the contagion.
    9.- The most important piece of advice is to wash your hands:
    Because by washing our hands we get rid of the virus that we have on our hands when we return from the streets or touch an animal.
    10.- The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to play in the streets or drink alcoholic drinks in a state of emergency and that for me is the most difficult advice.

    11.- he easiest advice to give a person is to stay home and wash their hands often.
    12.- False information about the virus causes people to panic and panic.
    13.- The measures we can take are:
    Shower and wash your hands frequently.
    When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    14.- What I think of the coronavirus that is infecting more and more people and what we can do to prevent it is staying at home and washing hands frequently.
    -Albert Vilchez


  113. His name is Tini Stoessel. He was born in Argentina. She's argentine.
    Claudi Huamani Tenorio IIB

  114. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  115. José Luis Coral Fernández : Primero “B”
    1.- The virus is an infectious agent that causes us diseases.
    2.- It is the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus.
    3.- There are several like: SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and COVID-19.
    4.- Affects the respiratory system and the immune system.
    1.- It´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2.- The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness and dry cough, aches, nasal congestion, sore throat.
    3.- Originated from Wuhan, China
    4.- It originated at the end of last year, a product of natural evolution.
    5.- Lick your hands for 20 minutes and meet social isolation.
    6.- It teaches us that cleanliness is important in our lives.
    7.- Eat well and be well groomed.
    8.- Helps eliminate it from the body.
    9.- Life is important and we must take care of it
    10.- Social isolation, because we are sociable people.
    11.- That you should wash your hands.
    12.- It does not help prevent correctly.
    13.- For example: sneeze away from another person and always wash.
    14.- It teaches us that we are not properly prepared to face unknown diseases.

  116. José Luis Coral Fernández : Primero “B”
    1.- The virus is an infectious agent that causes us diseases.
    2.- It is the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus.
    3.- There are several like: SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and COVID-19.
    4.- Affects the respiratory system and the immune system.
    1.- It´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact
    2.- The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness and dry cough, aches, nasal congestion, sore throat.
    3.- Originated from Wuhan, China
    4.- It originated at the end of last year, a product of natural evolution.
    5.- Lick your hands for 20 minutes and meet social isolation.
    6.- It teaches us that cleanliness is important in our lives.
    7.- Eat well and be well groomed.
    8.- Helps eliminate it from the body.
    9.- Life is important and we must take care of it
    10.- Social isolation, because we are sociable people.
    11.- That you should wash your hands.
    12.- It does not help prevent correctly.
    13.- For example: sneeze away from another person and always wash.
    14.- It teaches us that we are not properly prepared to face unknown diseases.

  117. His name is Christopher Hemsworth. He is from Australia. His nationality is Australian

    -Jasil Bernal Hipolito II"A"

  118. 1. The most common symptoms of covid-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have pain, a stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea.
    2. The signs and symptoms can be:
    -sore throat cough
    -fever -difficulty breathing
    3. In China, Wuhan City
    4. Through physical contact with people or by sneezing and coughing
    5. Wash your hands at all times, use a mask to cough or sneeze while at home.
    6. It makes us aware people and, therefore, they support us more, also to learn to be more responsible. It also decreases global pollution.
    7. Be healthy people, eat healthy, and maintain cleanliness such as washing hands and disinfecting objects such as cell phones so as not to get sick from bacteria.
    8. Soap molecules can dissolve the fatty membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to bind and infect other cells.
    9. -The best way to take care of yourself in these times is to have good hygiene and respect quarantine. Especially if we go shopping, it is best to keep an adequate distance and avoid going out without a mask and gloves, where after arriving at the house they are disinfected so as not to infect family members.
    10. Staying at home because it would be inconvenient for some because of the money for which they do not obey.
    11. It is better to stay at home with your family and wash your hands very well and follow the measures that the president is giving
    12. It makes that false information make people more desperate and do not know what to do, and
    some people can alarm other people and causing what happened in supermarkets, which would be food shortages.
    13. The measures we can take are:
    -When sneezing, use the flexed elbow or a handkerchief.
    -Wash your hands often.
    -Wash your hands with alcohol gel.
    -Avoid greeting on the cheek and hands.
    -Avoid contact with people within your reach who have been away from home.
    -have warm and hot drinks.
    -Bath often with warm water.
    -Wear masks and gloves when shopping

    14. It is a disease that mainly affects people with low defenses quickly (the most vulnerable are the elderly), this disease is a pandemic. Thing that Peru and everyone is facing, staying at home.
    student:Giuliana Francesca Zanelli Flores IV A

  119. His name is Camilo Echeverry. He is from Colombia. His nationality is Colombian.
    -Emy Alvarado Flores II B

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    That it is a virus, of Asian origin, very dangerous that puts human beings at risk and that today has caused many deaths and a large number of infected.
    3. How many types of coronaviruses are there?
    Coronaviruses (Coronaviridae) are divided into two families: Orthocoronavirinae (more commonly called coronaviruses) and Letovirinae.
    Inside the coronavirus or "CoV" there are four main groups and they have names of Greek letters: alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    Older people and people with chronic medical conditions appear to be in the highest risk group for developing serious illness.
    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the main characteristics of covid-19 when it enters your body?
    The virus spreads throughout the body and causes problems in our organisms, such as the lungs, heart, etc.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    The symptoms are:
    -Dry cough
    -Fever (in some cases)
    -Diarrhea (in some cases)
    -Sore throat
    Although there are also asymptomatic people.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    The new Covid-19 coronavirus originated in the city of Wuhan, China.
    4. How were people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?

    In the middle of December 2019, the Wuhan health authorities detected a series of cases of pneumonia caused by an unknown cause.
    At that time, an alarm was raised about a new disease hitherto unknown. Three months later there have been more than 150,000 cases and nearly 6,000 deaths worldwide, according to data from the European Center for Disease Control
    5. What are the preventive measures to consider?
    It can reduce the risk of infection:
    Regularly washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    Covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue or inside of elbow
    Avoiding direct contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with anyone with symptoms of a cold or flu (influenza)
    6. What is the positive side of this problem that we face worldwide?
    That crime numbers, thefts, have dropped astonishingly, and environmental pollution has been reduced incredibly
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Having a healthy and healthy diet, also consuming vitamin C
    8. How does soap work against the virus?
    The soap prevents the virus from being in contact with us, thus keeping people infected.
    9. What advice do you consider most important to you? Why?
    Staying at home, because this way the spread of this virus is much more avoided.
    10. What advice do you consider the most difficult to follow? Why?
    In my opinion it is the social distance of a meter, since it is very difficult to separate from friends, family, etc.
    11. What is the easiest advice to follow that you can offer to anyone?
    The easiest and most affordable of all is to wash your hands with soap and water, or also to cover your mouth with your arm when coughing
    12. How does false information on social networks about this virus affect people's decisions?
    False information makes people make wrong decisions and spread the spread of this virus further
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    Wash your hands with soap and water, disinfect your shoes when entering your home, use gel alcohol, etc.
    14. What is the opinion on the new coronavirus that is infecting people worldwide these days?
    These days this virus has been very popular due to the number of infected and deceased, thanks to this, the virus has paralyzed hospitals and clinics.

    -Jasil Bernal Hipolito II"A"

  121. Her name is Evaluna Montaner.She is from Venezuela.Her nacionality is Venezuelan

    Jazmin Arroyo Naucapoma II"B"

  122. Her name is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao.
    She is from Cuba.
    Her nationality is Cuban.
    Andrea Laiza Rodriguez II"A"

  123. 1. When it is transmitted through contact with other people or public objects
    2. the symptoms that it can have is the cough, fever, pneumonia among others
    3. It originated from Wuhan city in China.
    4. They say that by eating live animals in particular the bat
    5. Use mouth covers, latex gloves and always have antibacterial gel on hand
    6. That we have a lot of family time and that there is no environmental contamination
    7. We can eat foods that have vitamins and minerals
    8. Soap can attack lipid membranes by preventing the virus from moving any further.
    9. In not leaving home
    10. Not being able to leave the house since people do not obey
    11. In maintaining good hygiene
    12. In which people begin to buy compulcive purchases
    13. I think avoiding public toilets since all people use it
    14. That we avoid leaving the house at all times since thanks to the people who leave, they can become infected and even further contagions and deaths.

    Issa Garcia Prada 2nd B

  124. His name is José Álavaro Osorio Balvin better known as J Balvin, he is from Colombia, his nationality is Colombian.

    Issa Garcia Prada 2nd "B"

  125. -Hi Juan,How are you?

    •Hi José,I’m fine .And you?

    -I am very happy after listening to “RM”

    •“RM”? Who is?

    -Oh he's my favorite artist in the world

    •Oh your favorite artist ...Where is he from? Is there a song or album you recommend?

    -He comes from South Korea. He is Korean.
    -I recommend his music, it's wonderful. You should listen to their latest album "mono" is pure art.

    •Oh thanks , I'll take a look at his music. Sorry I have to leave, I have to solve the task before the deadline...

    -Okay,no problem. Goodbye my friend!

    •Goodbye my best friend !

    Leismin Granados Cruz-2do “A”

  126. BEFORE

    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    The virus is a microscopic parasite, generally much smaller than bacteria. They cannot thrive and reproduce outside of a host body.

    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    It is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Hubei province) in December 2019, having reached more than 100 territories, the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

    It produces flu-like symptoms, including fever, dry cough, dyspnea, myalgia, and fatigue. In severe cases they are characterized by pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and septic shock leading to about 3% of those infected to death. There is no specific treatment; The main therapeutic measures are to alleviate symptoms and maintain vital functions.

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    Owns 7 main types
    Common human coronaviruses
    1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
    2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
    3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
    4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
    Other human coronaviruses
    5. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
    6. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
    7. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
    People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1.

    How does it affect living creatures?
    It mainly affects the respiratory system and the immune system.

    Romina Armijo Cabanillas III B

  127. WHILE

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    • High fever.
    • Breathing difficulty.
    • Muscle pain.
    • Strong Cough
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    This virus originated in the city of Wuhan in China.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    The first infection occurred when consuming a bat. This disease was transmitted from this animal to the human, being and this same living being transmitted it to other people.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?

    • Constantly wash your hands
    • Being at home
    • Wearing face mask

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    • The air is much cleaner.
    • Pollution was reduced.
    • The rivers are clean.
    • The environment is blooming again.

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    • Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
    • Drink a lot of water.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Have a healthy weight.
    • Control your stress level.
    • Control your blood pressure.
    • Get enough sleep, not less than 8 hours.

    8. How soap works against the virus?
    The soap destroys the virus.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    By washing your hands frequently, you protect yourself from the virus that enters your body and you avoid contagion.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    Maintain a healthy diet, because many of us find it difficult to stop consuming junk food and start consuming fruits and vegetables

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Drink a lot of water, we can all do it, instead of consuming soft drinks or sodas we could start consuming much more water

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    It affects in a very negative way, since there are many alarmist people and many who believe everything they say on the Internet, if these people do what they recommend or trust this false information, they could put at risk not only their health but even their life itself.

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    • Avoid touching your face if you have not previously washed your hands.
    • Avoid coughing or sneezing without covering yourself
    • Avoid manipulating money

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    It is a problem that has increased today, in some cases this virus could be fatal, however, I consider that if we take precautionary measures and, above all, maintain a good diet, it is very unlikely that it will attack or affect us.
    Unfortunately, this pandemic reproduces easily, and has a high level of contagion, but, as I pointed out previously, with prevention measures and some medical check-ups, it is easier to identify this virus in time and even protect our body, so that it does not affect it.
    Romina Armijo Cabanillas III B

  128. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that get their name from what they look like under a microscope: they are spherical and their surfaces are covered with "crown" spikes. ** Coronavirus infections have a wide range of symptoms, They include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. Mild cases can cause cold-like symptoms, while severe cases can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), kidney failure, and death.
    2. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may appear two to 14 days after being exposed, and may include:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    Other symptoms can be the following:
    • tiredness
    • Dolores
    • Runny nose
    • Sore throat
    The severity of symptoms of COVID-19 can be mild to severe. Some people have no symptoms. People who are elderly or have certain chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease or diabetes, may be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill. This is similar to what is seen with other respiratory diseases, such as influenza.
    3.Wuhan, the Chinese city where the new outbreak originated and isolated by the authorities

    4.It is not the first time that a coronavirus like the one responsible for Wuhan's pneumonia has caused a global alert. Almost 20 years ago, another coronavirus appeared in wild animal markets in southern China. It was a completely new virus. In the winter of 2003, people who became infected with the virus suffered from fever, chills, headache, and dry cough, symptoms that made diagnosis difficult in the middle of the flu and cold season.
    5. Do not leave home and not have as much contact with unknown people and our environment.
    6.The positive side is that we do not pollute the environment and we also help those most in need.
    7. Eat healthy and get vitamins from those foods that boost my immune system.
    8.Away away.
    9.The most important advice for me would be
    * Do not leave home
    * Wash my hands with soap and water.
    10. It would be not to go out because if we do not go out we do not work and we do not contribute anything to the economy of the country also we do not get money to cover the expenses.
    11. The easiest tip for me would be to wash your hands with soap and water.
    12. It affects negatively because it can say something that is not true and that intervenes in the person's plans.
    13.Alcohol in gel since that eliminates bacteria.
    14. My opinion would be that this disease called coronavirus is affecting negatively since it affects countries around the world socially and economically.


  130. Anónimo: 4 de abril de 2020 12:30


    1.-The main features are cough, sore throat and flu.

    symptoms are: fever, tiredness and dry cough nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea

    The covid-19 originated in China in the city of Wuhan.

    4.-The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold seafood and animals.

    5.-The measures that we must take into account are washing our hands, using a mask, gel and avoiding catching our eyes, nose and mouth.

    6.-The positive side of the coronavirus is the family union, solidarity between people and nature.

    7.-What I should do is: exercise regularly, eat a diet of vegetables and fruits, try to minimize stress, take vitamin C, maintain a personal cleanliness.

    8.-A drop of soap diluted in water is enough to break up and kill many types of bacteria and viruses.

    9.-The most important advice for me is to wash your hands and eat well as we can kill viruses or bacteria and also make our immune system strong.

    10.-The most difficult advice for me is:
    isolation: because we are used to going out and having communication with people.
    mask: because we are not used to using that.

    The easiest is to wash your hands twenty seconds at a time.

    12.-It causes confusion, doubts and fears among citizens.

    13.-It is a disease that spreads throughout all countries and we must be aware of what we are going through.


  131. 1. Viruses are a type of germ. They're very tiny, and when they get inside your body, they can make you sick.
    2. It is a very contagious virus that can cause death.
    3. There are seven types of coronaviruses.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    It attacks as a respiratory infection along with cough, shortness of breath and fever, it can kill.
    1.-the main symptom is a conventional flu that is increasing little by little
    2.-The symptoms described are fever, headache and fatigue, accompanied by dry cough and dryness and in many cases of dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
    3.-Its origin is more related to the virus mutation found in bats and pangolins trafficked and offered for sale in the Huanan market in Wuhan, China.
    4. The Covid-19 that emerged in Wuhan, China, appears to be transmitted between humans by the drops released when people cough or sneeze. The virus can survive for a short time outside the body, so the sender and receiver must be relatively close for infection to occur.
    5.- They are: wash your hands, when you sneeze or cough cover yourself and when you leave your house wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and animals can go out to their habitats freely.
    7. Being healthy people, eating healthy, cleaning hands.
    8. Soap helps the virus die.
    8. The soap helps to kill the virus since it has some chemicals that help to eliminate it
    9. Do not leave home because they can infect you and you infect others.
    10. Staying home because we cannot make the necessary purchases.
    11.- The easiest is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.- It affects us in the way that people panic, and this leads them to over-buy food in supermarkets.
    13. It is a strong virus and we have to prevent it to end it.
    14. In my opinion, in these circumstances, we must respect quarantine since this will not increase the number of infected

    Sebastian Jacinto Olivera IV B

  132. Anónimo: 4 de abril de 2020 12:30

    1.-The main features are cough, sore throat and flu.
    2.-Symptoms are: fever, tiredness and dry cough nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea
    3.- In China in Wuhan City
    4.-The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold seafood and animals.
    5.- They are washing hands, using a mask, gel and avoiding touching our eyes, nose and mouth.
    6.-The positive side of the coronavirus is the family union, solidarity between people and nature.
    7.- What I should do is: exercise regularly, eat vegetables and fruits, avoid stress, maintain personal cleanliness.
    8.-A drop of soap diluted in water is enough to break up and kill many types of bacteria and viruses.
    9.-The most important advice for me is to wash your hands and eat well as we can kill viruses or bacteria and also make our immune system strong.
    10.- The most difficult advice for me is insulation and mask since people are not used to it.
    11.-The easiest is to wash your hands twenty seconds at a time.
    12.- It causes confusion in people, doubts and fear.
    13.-It is a disease that spreads throughout all countries and we must be aware of what we are going through.


    1.- Viruses is a microorganism that is introduced into a cell in order to reproduce.
    2.- It is a disease that attacks the respiratory tract, causing flu, cough, fever, etc.
    3.- There are 7 types of coronaviruses.
    4.- It directly attacks the respiratory system and sometimes causes death.

    1.- The virus manifests itself causing sneezing and coughing.
    2.- At the beginning it produces a cough, flu, etc. Then it attacks the entire respiratory system more strongly
    3.- The origin was in Wuhan, China.
    4.- They became infected by eating a bat, and this spread through contact between people
    5.- Preventive measures are: wash your hands when you sneeze or cough, and when you leave your home wear a mask.
    6.- The positive side is that there is less contamination and thanks to this the animals can go out freely.
    7.- We must drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain vitamin C.
    8.- The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses that are on our hands when we wash them.
    9.- We must stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.
    10.- The one of staying at home, because I consider that not many like to be locked up in their homes, and because of this they make the mistake of leaving them.
    11.- The easiest thing is to wash our hands, because it is a hygiene habit that we all know.
    12.-Bad information causes people to panic, and because of this causes excessive buying of groceries, monopolizing the markets.
    13.- Avoid contact with people, if you leave your house to buy food use a mask.
    14.- It is a virus that has caused too many deaths, but with prevention measures and some medical check-ups, it is easier to identify this virus in time and even protect our body.

    Grecia Castro Baltodano V “A”

    1. yes, it is a microscopic infectious agent.
    2. It is a respiratory virus started in the country of China.
    3. There are seven types of covid 19.
    4. causes severe colds that later turn into neomonia causing shortness of breath.
    1. The main feature is respiratory crisis
    2. symptoms are: shortness of breath, general discomfort, cough and flu.
    3. It originated in China in Wuhan city.
    4. By eating bats, and being in contact with more people.
    5. The preventive measures are:
    • wear gloves
    • keep distance from people
    • handwashing
    • stay at home,
    • wear a face mask cover up when coughing or sneezing
    6. the positive side is that there is less pollution and we can spend time with family
    7. maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercise, drink water and control blood pressure.
    8. The soap eliminates bacteria and viruses when we wash our hands, because it has chemical elements that do it.
    9. Do not leave home, because this way we avoid contagion.
    10. Respect social isolation, because people need to relate
    11. The easiest tip is to wash your hands continuously.
    12. affects because it generates disorder and fear of people, making those infected increase.
    13. we must maintain constant hygiene, strengthen our defenses and cover ourselves by coughing or sneezing.
    14. that it is a deadly virus and that we must become aware of it and abide by the restrictions that are asked of us.

    1 .Do you know what a virus is?
    Yes, a virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?

    It is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date. The virus causes a respiratory illness like the flu (influenza) with various symptoms (cough, fever, etc.) that, in severe cases, can cause pneumonia. To protect yourself, you can wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.

    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    The coronavirus viruses (Coronaviridae) are divided into two families: the Orthocoronavirinae (more commonly called coronaviruses) and the Letovirinae.

    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    As with other coronavirus-like diseases, including SARS, MERS, and the common cold, COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, so the lungs are usually affected first.
    The first symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These can appear as soon as 2 days, or up to 14 days, after exposure to the virus.


    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.

    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    They are fever, tiredness and dry cough. Some patients may experience pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea.

    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?

    These symptoms are usually mild and appear gradually. Some people become infected but do not develop any symptoms and are not ill

    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    It was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Hubei Province) in December 2019.

    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?

    They became infected in China-Wuhan in the markets as people like to eat various foods like bats, snake, etc.

    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?

    Wash your hands frequently, wear masks and follow the instructions by staying at home avoiding contact with people and complying with social isolation.

    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    The environment has regained its strength.

    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Have good hygiene and food.

    8. How soap works against the virus?

    Helps to disinfect bacteria that can be seen on the hands.

    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?

    Comply with what the president of the nation has.

    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    Avoid contact with people from outside.

    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    That he wash his hands very frequently so that no bacteria can enter.

    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?

    It creates confusion in citizens, causing disorder and disruption.

    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?

    Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze, clean and disinfect, etc.

    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?

    It is a disease that still cannot find a cure, but all the countries are going through that disease and very sad that there are people who are dying and who burn them so that the virus does not spread, only pray that this disease be overcome.



    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    The virus m is a microorganism that affect all people and cause deaths.
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    That it is a very strong disease that causes deaths in all countries.
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    As far as I know, there are two types: One is the one that attacks the person quickly and the other is the one that takes time to react.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    Dogs and cats contract some Covid-19, but not the same as the virus associatef with this current outbreak
    1.What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    Cough, Sore throat, Fever, Difficulty breathing, Headache, Chills and general discomfort, Runny nose.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    Fever, Cough, Runny nose and Headache.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    The origin of the Covid-19 was in China
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    All the virus started with the careless scientists who were doing an experimento to take cate of their country that's what I understand and saw in the news.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    Always wash your hands and face and arma at all times and wash fruits and vegetales.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    That I'm winged from my family.
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    Consuming foods that have Vitamina C, eating fish, meats, chicken, etc.
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    Removes all kinds of dirt.
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    Stay home because they do not infect nor am I infected.
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    To Stay at home since it is not only Difficulty for me but for some who do not follow the rules .
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    Have then wash their hands at all times.
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    Make the people are not aware and do not respecto the President's mandates.
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    No having contacto with the sick and not greeting each other on the cheek or with the hand.
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    Well, I am very angry because the irresponsability of China scientists presentes all this, even creating many deaths in the countries.

    Mariaclaudia Caruajulca Montero 2 "B"

    1.It is an obligatory intracellular parasite, of small size, consisting of nucleic acid and protein, which is the cause of numerous diseases such as: influenza, Ebola, human papilloma virus, AIDS (HIV), among others.

    2.It produces flu-like symptoms, including fever, dry cough, dyspnea, myalgia, and fatigue. In severe cases it is characterized by pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and septic shock that leads to about 3% of those infected to death. There is no specific treatment; The main therapeutic measures are to relieve symptoms and maintain vital functions.
    -Cold coronavirus
    - Severe acute respiratory syndrome
    - Middle East respiratory syndrome
    - Wuhan coronavirus
    They can make people sick, usually with mild to moderate disease of the upper respiratory tract, similar to a common cold. Symptoms of the coronavirus include a runny nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache, and perhaps fever, which can last for a couple of days.
    1.Tiredness, fever and dry cough are the main, but also some patients may have pain, a stuffy nose, a sore throat and diarrhea, according to the information page of the World Health Organization.
    2. Cough.
    Sore throat.
    Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
    Chills and general discomfort.
    Runny nose and runny nose.

    3. In china town Wuhan
    4. The origin of this virus is not yet known, but research revealed that this virus spreads from an infected person by having close contact with a healthy person.
    5. Wash your hands with soap, clean surfaces regularly, isolate yourself from people if you have symptoms of the virus
    6. The positive side of what is happening is that now we will be able to spend more time with the family and that we learn to value the family union.
    7. Have a healthy diet, consuming vitamins C and drink enough hot liquid to stay hydrated
    8. It works in such a way that by washing your hands with soap, this makes your molecules completely surround the virus with detergent, which separate it into smaller and smaller pieces, which are then washed away with the water.
    9. Isolate ourselves from people so as not to take risks of having contact with an infected person and being able to contract the virus
    10. Social isolation, because I will not be able to attend classes and older people will not be able to go to their workplace
    11. Wash your hands since doing so could kill the virus, cleaning daily
    12. It confuses people of what is really happening and they do not report the truth of what should be
    . - Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

    - Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze

    -Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

    14. It is a very dangerous highly dangerous virus for which no country is prepared.

    1. Yes, it is a microorganism that causes various diseases
    2. It is a virus that spreads fast and can affect all people without distinction.
    3. There are seven types of viruses.
    4. Causes respiratory infections that can range from the common cold to more serious illnesses.

    1. The main feature is respiratory crisis.
    2. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough.
    3. It originated in China, in the city of Wuhan.
    4. They became infected by eating bats and also because they had contact with more people.
    5. The preventive measures that we must take are:
    Wash our hands
    Avoid contact with other people
    Wear gloves
    Stay home.
    6. The positive side is that there is less environmental pollution, the air is cleaner.
    7. Exercising, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water a day.
    8. Soap acts as a destroyer for organisms.
    9. Constantly wash our hands and stay home,
    because this way we avoid contagion.
    10. Staying home due to social isolation, because everyone needs to socialize with their friends.
    11. The easiest is to wash our hands constantly.
    12. It affects because by giving false information, people become desperate and fearful, which increases the cases of covid-19.
    13. We need to have good hygiene to avoid contagion, cover ourselves by coughing or sneezing and avoid physical contact.
    14. That it is a dangerous and deadly virus, we must be responsible and abide by the rules and restrictions proposed by the President.

    Cielo Jamileth Ortiz Castillo V "B"


    1. Do you know what a virus is?
    - Microscopic infectious agent
    2. What do you know about Covid-19?
    - It's a respiratory disease
    3. How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    - There are countless types of coronaviruses in bats and birds
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    -gives you symptoms of Covid-19
    Answer the questions according to the information provided in this video.
    1. What are the principal characteristics of covid-19 when it goes into your body?
    - It is a disease transmitted by air and by physical contact.
    2. What are the symptoms you have if you are infected?
    -Sore throat, cough, fever, difficulty breathing.
    3. Where was the origin of Covid-19?
    -In China-Wuhan.
    4. How was people infected with this virus in Wuhan-China for the first time?
    - With Physical Contact.
    5. What are the preventive measures you have to take into account?
    -Wash your hands with soap and water.
    Do not touch your eyes, nose and face with dirty hands.
    Keep 1m away.
    6. What is the positive side of this problem we are facing around the world?
    - The positive side is that we can be the whole family together
    7. What can you do to keep your immune system strong?
    - eat healthy and exercise
    8. How soap works against the virus?
    - The soap helps to remove the virus from the hands and then we will be more protected against the virus
    9. What advice do you consider to be the most important to you? Why?
    - I consider staying home, washing my hands and avoiding contact with people who have symptoms
    10. Which advice do you consider the hardest to follow? Why?
    - None since there is only one simple rule: stay home!
    11. What is the easiest piece of advice to follow you can offer anyone?
    - wash your hands often and avoid contact with other people
    12. How the false information in social media about this virus affect people decisions?
    - False information causes panic in people
    13. What other hygiene measures can we take to prevent the virus?
    - wash hands with soap and water, bathe to avoid virus
    14. What is opinion about the new coronavirus that is infecting people around the world in these days?
    - My opinion is to stay home and wash your hands to avoid spreading the virus since it has infected the majority of people
    Massiel Epifania chinchay II "A"

  140. his is Noah Cameron Schnapp
    She is from U.S.A
    His nationality is American
    Massiel Epifania II "A"


  141. 10.40: It’s twenty to ten.
    5.10: It’s ten after five.
    3.30 It’s three-thirty
    5.35 It’s thirty five after five.
    6.05 It’s five after six.
    11.15 It’s a quarter past eleven.

    Make 10 sentences using the time

    1. Its nine a.m. It’s my Religion class.
    2. It’s eleven o’clock, it’s my history class.
    3. I play guitar at four o’clock p.m.
    4. It’s twelve-thirty. It’s my Computation class.
    5. It’s a quarter to eight. It’s my Communication class.
    6. My family and I have breakfast at seven A.M.
    7. It’s one o’clock. It’s my Science class.
    8. It’s twelve-thirty. It’s my Physical Education class.
    9. We have dinner at eight P.M.
    10. The break, at school is twenty to ten (first) and ten after twelve (second).
    Renato Fabrizio Flores Silva II-“A”

    1. It's a microorganism that needs a body to reproduce, such as animals, humans or plants, etc.
    2. It's a virus that is traveling around the world, it has several symptoms and it is ending the lives of many people
    3. There are seven types of coronavirus
    4. For people it seriously affects, causing death; in animals it does not affect but they are used as vectors

    1. The characteristics of the covid-19 is that aggressive, it presents symptoms, lethal and deadly
    2. The symptoms are: body pain, dry cough, fever, flu, etc.
    3. The origin of covid-19 comes from the Asian continent, china.
    4. The first people infected were because they did not take precautionary measures.
    5. The preventive measures is the hand washing.
    6. The positive side is that there will be less pollution in the world.
    7. I can maintain my immune system by consuming vitamin C and eating healthy.
    8. The Soap is the only antibacterial that fights the virus.
    9. The most important advice for me is to wash your hands with soap and water, because in this way we fight the virus.
    10. For me the most difficult advice to follow is to stay at home, because people are used to going out and this time they will not be able to do it.
    11. That of washing our hands with soap.
    12. The false information on social networks about covid-19 seriously affects, because people do things they shouldn't and that affects their health.
    13. Another type of hygiene measure would be to disinfect all the products we consume.
    14. The opinion of the new coronavirus is prevention above all and always stay at home to save our lives.


  143. ZAVALETA VELÁSQUEZ, Fatima Tatiana V”A”
    1. It´s a disease that is transmitted by physical contact with others persons.
    2. Which is a global pandemic, which is leaving many deaths and many economic problems.
    3. There are seven types of coronavirus.
    4. In people, the coronavirus mainly affects the lungs. On the other hand, animals give them respiratory problems that can be severe or mild.
    1. Coronavirus is a respiratory infection, which means it affects the lungs and airways. Typical symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, and fever. the virus can have a devastating effect on the body, and not only on the lungs, but also affects the body.
    2. Symptoms are: high fever, muscle pain and dry cough.
    3. The origin was in China, wuham city.
    4. The first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market in China that sold seafood and live animals.
    • Stay home if you are sick.
    • Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze.
    • Wear a mask if you are sick
    • Clean and disinfect.
    6. The positive side of this problem is that by all staying home, pollution is decreasing.
    7. Have a good diet, drink 2 liters of water daily, do not consume many fats, etc.
    8. The soap helps to remove the virus from the hands and then we will be more protected against the virus
    9. The most important for me is wash your handas with soap, because it’s highly efficient way of killing the virus when it’s on your skin.
    10. The most difficult is to stay at home, because there are many people who work day by day and from that they live to satisfy all the basic needs that exist and not being able to work would be a loss for all of them.
    11. I think it would be stay at home, people should collaborate well with this situation.
    12. It affects in the sense that the population is altered and begins to act in a very reckless way, for example the excessive purchases.
    13. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue or inside the elbow, and avoid contact with other people
    14. -All of us, as individuals, must collaborate with all preventive measures to able to reduce the speed at which the virus is spread and hospitals are not saturated.

  144. ALVARADO VARAS, Valeria Alejandra V"B"


    1. A virus is a type of germ. They are very small and, when they get into your body, they can make you sick. Viruses cause colds, chicken pox, mumps, the flu, and many other diseases.

    2. From what I understand this virus appeared in China and is believed to have been transmitted from bats. The disease becomes very mild since it begins with a common cold but as time progresses, it reaches other symptoms.

    3. There are currently 7 types of coronavirus.

    4. Some people may have only respiratory symptoms.


    1. Makes you have a respiratory crisis and is transmitted by air and physical contact

    2. Fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

    3. In China Wuhan.

    4. It was by eating a bat and these people transmitted the virus to others.

    5. Constantly wash your hands, wear a mask and stay home.

    6. That if we are all in our homes, somehow the environment is being restored, plus there are more animals for that.

    7. Eat fruit, drink plenty of water, exercise continuously, maintain a healthy weight, control our stress level and our blood pressure.

    8. When we wash our hands, soap destroys the virus.

    9. Loving our country, because when we love our country we follow the recommendations and stay at home to take care of the health of our compatriots.

    10. Staying at home, since it is a bit stressful to always be in the same place with the same people.

    11. Washing your hands won't even take you more than 20 seconds and can protect you too much if you do it every so often.

    12. It affects people to see fake news as people get out of control and don't keep order, causing them to buy things they don't need and leave other people exposed.

    13. Keep us informed in case new information comes out.

    14. It is a very dangerous virus that has exposed the great shortcomings we present as a society.

    1.Do you know what a virus is ?
    A virus is a microscopic acellular infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms Viruses are basically made up of genetic material; By infecting a cell, these genes "force" the host cell to make copies of the virus.
    2.What do you know about Covid-19?
    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected in humans to date. The virus causes a respiratory illness like the flu with various symptoms (cough, fever, etc.) that, in severe cases, can cause pneumonia. To protect yourself, you can wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.
    3.How many kinds of coronavirus are there?
    "Alpha and beta CoVs highly infect mammals and probably originated from bats, while gamma and delta CoVs infect and originate largely from birds," explains Dr. Anthony Fehr, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Kansas, in the United States.
    4. How does it affect living creatures?
    Older people and people with chronic medical conditions appear to be in the highest risk group for developing the disease seriously. This variability is also shown in how COVID-19 affects the lungs.

    1. The main feature is respiratory crisis.
    2. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough.
    3. It originated in China, in the city of Wuhan
    4. The first people infected were because they did not take precautionary measures.
    5. The preventive measures is the hand washing.
    6. The positive side is that there will be less pollution in the world.
    7. Have a good diet, drink 2 liters of water daily, do not consume many fats, etc.
    8. The soap helps to remove the virus from the hands and then we will be more protected against the virus
    9. Loving our country, because when we love our country we follow the recommendations and stay at home to take care of the health of our compatriots.
    10. The hardest advice to follow is to stay home:
    Because some people go out to do their things, meet friends ,buy the food and personal or home utensils .
    11. Wash your hands often and avoid contact with other people
    12. It confuses people of what is really happening and they do not report the truth of what should be.
    13. Wash your hands and when you sneeze cover it with your forearm or with a handkerchief
    14. Well in my opinion it is that we people take more conscience and follow the orders that the President gives us to be able to decrease the number of infected people, but as always there are people who do not care about anything you go out on the streets as if none of this were going. Let us become aware and take care of ourselves and our families so that this virus does not get to spread much more.


  146. GOICOCHEA OLAZA, Raiza V"B"

    1.It is a disease that is transmitted by air and physical contact.
    2.Covid-19 its a respiratory virus better know as a coronavirus.
    3.In totally exists six types of this virus and covid-19 this is the number seven.
    4.Affects the respiratory system and the immune system.

    1.The virus spreads throughout the body and causes problems in our organisms, such as the lungs, heart, etc.
    2.The symptoms are: high fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty breath.
    3.COVID-19 originated in China-Wuhan.
    4.People became infected by eating a bat and it spread almost everywhere in the world.
    5.Some prevention measures are: constantly wash your hands, wear face masks and being at home.
    6.The positive side of all this is that pollution has been reduced, the air is much cleaner, etc.
    7.Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, exercise regularly, have a healthy weight, control your stress level, control your blood ressure, get enough sleep, not less than 8 hours.
    8.The soap molecules dissolve the fat membrane and affect the structure of the virus, which loses the ability to attach to and infect other cells.
    9.Washing your hands, in this way you protect yourself from the virus that enters your body and avoid contagion.
    10.Stay home and wear face masks.
    11.Wash our hands, in this way the virus will not be able to enter our body easily.
    12.Creates more confusion and fear in the population
    13.Cover our mouths when coughing and sneezing
    14.In my point of view, people are not aware of the seriousness of the problem and continue to disobey the government's instructions, exposing their lives and those of those around them.
